

marksnicks #Wildhunter Talk

General Wildhunter

Wild Hunter Damage Range Thread This thread lists the damage ranges of your Fellow Maplers submitted by themselves. If you would like to contribute please post a response with an image as show by this [url=]Example[/url] [b]It should include The following: Skill inventory showing Level of Blessing of the fairy, Character Statistics, and Equipment[/b] There are no Potions or Oshi allowed [s=/forum/1852642/#10]10-30[/s] [s=/forum/1852642/#31]31-50[/s] [s=/forum/1852642/#51]51-70[/s] [s=/forum/1852642/#71]71-90[/s] [s=/forum/1852642/#91]91-100[/s] [s=/forum/1852642/#101]101-110[/s] [s=/forum/1852642/#111]111-120[/s] [s=/forum/1852642/#121]121+[/s] [header=10]Levels 10-30[/header] [header=31

General Wildhunter

Wild Hunter Damage Range Thread This thread lists the damage ranges of your Fellow Maplers submitted by themselves. If you would like to contribute please post a response with an image as show by this [url=]Example[/url] [b]It should include The following: Skill inventory showing Level of Blessing of the fairy, Character Statistics, and Equipment[/b] There are no Potions or Oshi allowed [s=/forum/1852642/#10]10-30[/s] [s=/forum/1852642/#31]31-50[/s] [s=/forum/1852642/#51]51-70[/s] [s=/forum/1852642/#71]71-90[/s] [s=/forum/1852642/#91]91-100[/s] [s=/forum/1852642/#101]101-110[/s] [s=/forum/1852642/#111]111-120[/s] [s=/forum/1852642/#121]121+[/s] [header=10]Levels 10-30[/header] [header=31