

mashimarrr #General Talk


Noobs in Maplestory Okay, I was just strolling around in Kerning City, and this kid (Lightmoon12) trades me. He immediately said "Sall 8 att werk glov 4 10M" So, I thought this was a good oppurtunity to earn a nice 20m profit by reselling it for 30m later. He said "I dun trass u show 10m" I showed him 10m, and he said "Prass trade for a secand" I knew he was trying to scam me, so I just cancelled and went back to doing my own thing. He quickly just defames me and runs away. I mean, is it really necessary to defame someone because they didn't fall for a stupid scam? What has happened to some of the Maplestory population....

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