

for those with a single parent:

how'd you handle the split of your parents? did you blame anyone?

January 2, 2011

20 Comments • Newest first


My parents argue a lot, but i don't know if they're going to get divorced. Ever.
If they do, i don't know who i'd go with.

Reply January 2, 2011

i love pikachus

Reply January 2, 2011 - edited

My parents got divorced last September of 2010.

Reply January 2, 2011 - edited

[quote=HiyahLove]I blamed it on my dad's drinking cause that actually was the main cause of it. My family was happy for the most part but things would always go straight downhill when my father would drink heavily. I found out a week after my uncle died and on New Years Eve of the divorce. It kind of hit me hard since my parents would always threaten to get the divorce to each other and it actually happened. I was depressive for a while but I just started to not care, which I see was a big mistake.

Anywho I now live with my mom full time since things always go bad for me when I'm at my dad's house. And he is still drinking.

Oh and this was last year.[/quote]

If it makes any difference, which I doubt it will, but I know where you're coming from. My dad was a heavy drinker about a year ago. He was a completely different person when he drank. He took most of his anger out on my mum. The worst it got was a night he was drinking and the shouting and screaming woke me up. I just laid in bed and cried, because I know they didn't love each other. I woke up and found blood in the kitchen, so everything in my head was confirmed. I heard them fighting this morning and came down and my mum told me he had moved out. He called me just a while ago and said he was sorry, and that he screwed up. He got involved with another girl, and I'm glad my mum is free of that. I think the reason that I want to love another person is because I know how it feels to not be loved, in my mum's case.

Reply January 2, 2011 - edited

I was good, just means two of everything Even lame step parents.. ugh

Reply January 2, 2011 - edited

[quote=SillySlimes]My mom died in a car accident when I was in 6th grade.
I was in school too, my dad picked me up and told me in the car...[/quote]

This makes me want to cry...

Reply January 2, 2011 - edited

[quote=SillySlimes]My mom died in a car accident when I was in 6th grade.
I was in school too, my dad picked me up and told me in the car...[/quote]

I am so sorry That's really rough

Reply January 2, 2011 - edited

my dad was sent to prison when i was 2, my mom stayed with him for 4 years after being sent to jail, but then divorced him when i was 6.

Reply January 2, 2011 - edited

I wish my parents would get divorced, because I hate my father and can't stand living under the same roof as him. Not to mention my mom already knows he cheats on her, yet she stays with him.

Reply January 2, 2011 - edited

My father is a very horrible man. I wish my parents would get divorced, but even through years of telling him to leave, he claims this house is 'his' and I'm sure he'll never let go.

Reply January 2, 2011 - edited

[quote=WasabiAkira]damm whata coincidence, my pops died 2 weeks before i turned 1


i'm sry to hear that
my condolences

Reply January 2, 2011 - edited

[quote=MeinKampf]It must be horrible, I couldn't imagine going through something like that[/quote]

To make it worse, it all came out too a day after we put my 17yr old dog down and 2 days before my birthday. It was a really bad time and I actually felt so guilty by thinking I caused all this, I wound up in the hospital for a suicide attempt. Not fun.

Reply January 2, 2011 - edited

squirtle squirtle

Reply January 2, 2011 - edited

Well, my parents are currently living apart. My father still thinks they're together while my mom's off going out with another guy. I don't really know what I feel about it.

Reply January 2, 2011 - edited

When my parents were separating and planning for divorce, I blamed myself constantly. My dad had an affair and at 14, it tore my family apart. I didn't handle it well and while my parents have since reconciled and things are pretty good at home again, my father and I still don't get along like we used to and it's caused severe trust issues with me and men

Reply January 2, 2011 - edited

They never got married and my dad never lived with me/ raised me. Because of this, I am very attached to my mom and my dad is a nobody to me. It's a strong parent-child bond when it's only one parent.

Reply January 2, 2011 - edited

[quote=Casablancas]i live with my mom but id rather live with my dad[/quote]

after this morning, i'll be living with my mum. my dad moved out this morning.

Reply January 2, 2011 - edited

my father died when i was 2 weeks old, so i guess there wasn't anything to handle

Reply January 2, 2011 - edited

I actually didn't care at all. I don't remember when they split up. I used to switch living with parents, but I never really cared about my situation or their breakup.

Reply January 2, 2011 - edited

i was little and didnt care and i still dont care whatevs

Reply January 2, 2011 - edited