

Buff mastery bugged?

I used my epic adventure skill but it only lasts for 60 seconds. Is buff mastery bugged or am i misunderstanding the skill

December 9, 2013

10 Comments • Newest first


Buffs cast on a character with buff duration last longer, but the buffs that character casts are not longer for party members.

So buffs like sharp eyes, photic meditation, speed infusion, etc. will all be 50% longer, but the meditation I cast lasts longer for me than my party members without buff duration.

And Epic adventurer lasted 90 seconds pre-red, 60 seconds post-red. Not complaining considering my range doubled and my dps more than tripled

Reply December 12, 2013

[quote=xProHeal]I'm pretty sure it used to stack pre-red with buff duration, but it don't now.

Sorry to hijack your thread for another question, but does buff mastery duration apply to party members too, now?[/quote]

I think it does, because my training buddy who's used to timing his buffs with mine said that HS seems to last a lot longer.
It still lasts longer on my bishop though because I have things like Inner Ability that has +% more buff duration and so on.

Reply December 10, 2013

@JustAnotherUser: Yea mine always lasted longer too, but the other day I HS'ing my Blaze Wizard and noticed that HS was ending at the same time for both my Bish and Blaze. I'll just have to test it again later whenever the game goes back up.

Reply December 9, 2013

[quote=xProHeal]I'm pretty sure it used to stack pre-red with buff duration, but it don't now.

Sorry to hijack your thread for another question, but does buff mastery duration apply to party members too, now?[/quote]
Pretty sure it doesn't, my HS and shells always seemed to last longer on me than on party members.

Reply December 9, 2013 - edited

Buff Mastery did work Pre-RED.

Reply December 9, 2013 - edited

I'm pretty sure it used to stack pre-red with buff duration, but it don't now.

Sorry to hijack your thread for another question, but does buff mastery duration apply to party members too, now?

Reply December 9, 2013 - edited

@freezenlight REALLY ? but it did stack with buff mastery in maplesea o.o epic adventure last 90 sec for me.

Reply December 9, 2013 - edited

[quote=mattx0r]thanks, i read a post saying that epic adventure lasts basically forever b/c of buff mastery but i guess it was wrong[/quote]

Too good to be true.

Reply December 9, 2013 - edited

[quote=freezenlight]hyper skills are not affected by buff duration[/quote]

thanks, i read a post saying that epic adventure lasts basically forever b/c of buff mastery but i guess it was wrong

Reply December 9, 2013 - edited

hyper skills are not affected by buff duration

Reply December 9, 2013 - edited