

mechibi #Chat Talk

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Decisions to make so when you meet relatives after a long time they give money well anyways i saved up now i need to decide, buy a 3ds or ipod 5 i know a 3ds has pretty much everything a ipod has, plus more (well thats what i hear) and i really wanna play the pokemon game thats coming out but i also want it to be something that i can take to school and im not gonna be that loser that takes their to 3ds school so if i buy a 3DS its gonna remain at home. so is it worth it buying a 3DS just for the pokemon game (and animal crossing too i guess)

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No card playing in school aiight so there has always been a no gambling policy in school but if its hard to tell if kids are playing card for fun or for gambling and my school has been getting a lot of calls from parents going "my kid is in debt to another kid cuz he lost a game" like jfc it isnt the card's fault its ur dumb kid's fault on one hand at least the school is preventing kids from being bullied for playing yugioh (like jfc u are in hs, stop playing yugioh) but this is bad for kids who love playing card games for fun and now cant i think the parents should be talking to the kids, after all i hate dumb rules so now the deans have to confiscate the cards so in lunch this table always plays chinese poker like everyday and t

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