

Warriors panic glitch

I am experiencing the same damage with panic post-ascension and pre-ascension.
Anyone experiencing the same thing as i am experiencing?

September 29, 2011

7 Comments • Newest first


It hits more to me, before I was hitting 600ks now I can hit 999ks.

Reply October 1, 2011

Sounds like heroes yet again got played by nexon regarding out damage/skills -__-

Reply September 30, 2011

It's because they changed the formula for panic and coma. They had their own formula pre-ascension and now they have a new one (which it appears that this new formula balanced it so that it's the same damage as pre-ascension).

Reply September 30, 2011

idk if its a glitch, but panics damage still blows

Reply September 29, 2011

Basically the in game descriptions of the two skills used to be wrong. They didn't actually only do 480% (and certainly not 480% per orb). I forget the actual values but IIRC Panic does a small amount more (Don't complain about the damage since that isn't important. The important part is that we can put bosses in darkness so Chance Attack works) and coma does a small amount less (which is small potatoes compared to being able to practically spam it so we finally have a 6 target mobbing skill). It's not a glitch so much as that the old descriptions were wrong so you weren't ever actually using a 480% dmg panic.

Reply September 29, 2011

Nexon only increased the BASE damage of panic at two orb, they did not increase the damage of panic at 10 orb which is about 1800%.
I think it intentional because nexon managed to nerf coma from 1400% at 10 orb to 1100% at 10 orbs, but they did not change panic.

Reply September 29, 2011 - edited

same here my panic does the same damage as before

Reply September 29, 2011 - edited