
To Those Who Cube a Lot

Do black cubes actually feel as if they have a 2x tier up rate compared to reds? I've heard it's more around 1.5x. It's double the price so I'm not sure if I should choose blacks or reds during miracle time.

July 15, 2015

3 Comments • Newest first


Once you go black, you never go back.

I'm serious, there's more randomness in a red cube than a black. Think of it as would you take 100% tier up cube for a cost of 10k nx or a 50% tier up cube at 5k nx. Sure, it's 2x more expensive, but the luck factor is less.

Reply July 15, 2015 - edited

Personally, blacks, and from a bunch of high amount cubing videos during Miracle Time, blacks as well.
With 300k NX, CherryTigers got like 30 tier ups. I doubt you can average a tier up per 10 red cubes.

Reply July 15, 2015 - edited

My luck sucks with black cubes compared to reds. I personally prefer the volume of reds to the apparent increase in tier ups from blacks. Keep in mind I've only spent about 800k NX on cubes and there are people with much larger sample sizes so take this anecdotal evidence with a grain of salt.

Reply July 15, 2015 - edited