
Nut Coins - What to Get

First, a reminder - the nut case event ends today, so I would assume after today you are no longer able to spend your coins, so be sure to use them if you want anything!

Anyways, the economy has changed so much since I've played; are there types of items from the nut coin shop that tend to be must haves or better than others investment-wise, or should I just use my 134 coins to get what I want for my class (DB)? Thanks!

January 20, 2015

5 Comments • Newest first


note though they didn't say on update notes that it lasted for a week more, it may close today.

i'd get a dance manual or a chair, of course they are not good investments, since you get no meso from them. maybe you will score a fame or two
school chair 120coins
dance manuals 90

Reply January 21, 2015

I'd consider trying to sell icog service, or buying epic pot 50s and hopefully one/both will work.

Reply January 20, 2015

The shop lasts a week after events usually. Especially since the attendance has 50 coins and is till the 23rd.

What most people buy is cogs or icogs for their CRA gear. Or CSS for anything thats not perfected like gollux items. 134 really isn't that much to make a big deal though

Reply January 20, 2015

I didn't either
But just going off of this thread:

Reply January 20, 2015

no way! i didn't even get to get the 50 coins from the calendar thing

Reply January 20, 2015