
Game Status

Hi guys
I'm downloading the game right now, about to play for the first time in years. What's the game like right now? Is Windia still there? I read something about a rebooted server, what exactly does it entail? Have shadowers gotten their Assaulter skill back?
Hope this forum is still alive...

January 28, 2016

5 Comments • Newest first



reboot TRIES to make the game more co-op since everyone is weaker (people still manage to solo the bosses and just completly miss the hole point of reboot)
it also makes it less pay2win since u can buy cubes with meso.

Edit: oh and yeah this site died, before a thread would last a couple of minutes unless alot of people commented on them in the top threads and sometimes it wouldnt even appear on the main page since there were too many threads. Now a DEAD thread can last a day on the main page lol.

Reply January 28, 2016 - edited

@mesosplease4: reboot killed pretty much most of the servers and its has most of the people on it

Reply January 28, 2016 - edited


I have nothing more to say than this.

Reply January 28, 2016 - edited

@ecarina: Thanks for the replies!
So do people actually play in the Reboot server, or is the game pretty much dead altogether?

Reply January 28, 2016 - edited

Assaulter's gone
Windia still exists but since I don't play there I don't know what it's like.
Reboot server is a server that's designed around making NX not completely required but there are a lot of kind of bizarre rules (no trading, can't transfer equips through storage, no scrolling, etc.)
The redesign mostly killed the forum, and I think a lot of us just come here out of habit.

Reply January 28, 2016 - edited