
A-holes in maple

So I haven't played for like a LONGG time, and I kinda needed help with prices and stuff, so I just go around asking random people and everytime I am like, "Hey can you help me with something" they go, "I am not giving money to you noob" and leave. WOW. guys can you be a little more nicer? I miss like playing 4 years ago, WHEN no one was freaking stupid.

July 11, 2011

21 Comments • Newest first


[quote=kakashi4599]things have changed alot. almost all the old players have quit and the new ones become more and more ignorant and unkind. the game has turned into people starving for power and immature brats have controlled most of the maple world.
if u dont like your world u can always join a new one and if u decide to join mardia add me im always in the mood to help.[/quote]

or u can just say More Kids... I've been playing once a while at a time since 2005.

first account hacked, 2nd account my friend sold it (whatta <censored&gt 3rd account got banned for absolutely no reason and this DB is my 4th account.

i remember those days when lvl 40 was counted pro.

lvl 1 - 40 back in the day is similar to 1 - 100 nowadays lol

Reply July 13, 2011

Lol I am moving to khaini, Hopefully better people.

Reply July 12, 2011

things have changed alot. almost all the old players have quit and the new ones become more and more ignorant and unkind. the game has turned into people starving for power and immature brats have controlled most of the maple world.
if u dont like your world u can always join a new one and if u decide to join mardia add me im always in the mood to help.

Reply July 11, 2011

talk to high-levels.

Reply July 11, 2011

Yesterday, some NW in Dojo told me I was noob for hitting 2-3ks. Right after he said that, he dealt a 1k blow on pixie. Pixie turned around and finished off his less than 300 hp.

Reply July 11, 2011

Well here's the thing. Think of that phrase in real life. "Can you help me with something?" Approach someone random, and most people will be skeptical of what you're trying to ask for. Of course, almost all will decline unless you [b]get straight to the point before they have a chance to believe you're asking for something that you're not.[/b]

Most people who do ask for help with something usually need help with either money or quests. I'm not too fond of helping someone random with either unless I'm either bored or already doing the quest/hunting monsters that pertain to the quest. So, I will just ignore people. As would most others. It's not called being an asshole, it's called skepticism and unwillingness. If you think someone who is unwilling to help you is an asshole, then it isn't really saying much about yourself.

Point is, go up to someone, and ask "hey do you know the price of _______?" Redundancy is looked down upon.

Reply July 11, 2011

It's due to the universal law:
More people = more stupid.
gMS's population has been growing.

Reply July 11, 2011

Not always though.

Reply July 11, 2011

Actually, I find that henehoes are generally nicer and more willing to help than the other high levels for my needs.

It may depend on what you need help on. Varies between, imo

Reply July 11, 2011

[quote=romsplz]Talk to the higher level ones that don't look like heneh0es and maybe you'll get some help[/quote]

Those guys are so mean to me, calling me a noob and such. I end up talking to the henehoe lookin' ones, and they help me so much better.

Reply July 11, 2011

I disgaree. It's not them, it's all the thousands of noobs begging for money all day long.
When I try to sell stuff in fm I get traded 5-10 times an hour asking for money, most of them start out with "Hey can I ask/tell you something."
generally I just leave when people start conversations like that.

Just say "PC> _______"

Reply July 11, 2011

Agreed, people don't know the point of the game.

Reply July 11, 2011

A really nice person just messaged me saying theyd help. Thanks! and thanks battle mech. I dont know, people needa change. It doesn't hurt doing something nice for someone once in a while.

Reply July 11, 2011

you have a zhelm and scg and pac and they think you need money? or are you on a different character lol.. cuz they really are stupid if they think you need money looking like that

Reply July 11, 2011

If I knew you, in BL or Guild and we talked/hung a lot or played together quite a bit, I'd give you free stuff that I'm not using.

For example, I'm giving my guildie a Zak and Blood Dagger for free because he's not funded.

Reply July 11, 2011

Haha well I personally give like 1-5m to new people, depending on how friendly they are when they ask XD

I once gave some guy 1m, later he found me on a high level and gave me like 100m or something just because
I was friendly and helped out lol

Reply July 11, 2011

when i first started my dexless dit in khaini (after being hacked) I was like using all this lvl 10 stuff. some guy came up to me lvl 7x asked me why i was wearing nooby stuff and after I explained it to him he gave me a lvl 27 dagger with att potential lol But then again that was like 6 months ago.

I dont know how nice people are now but when i first started my PerfectN00B many people gave me free stuff. If I count up all the things that I got for free it would be around 100m

(Alien Katara lvl 47 scrolled +7 sold for 60m)
lvl 30 earrings with hidden potential, ended up being +5 int and +3 int, sold for 30mill
other random crap for around 10mill

Reply July 11, 2011

If you asked me that I would help. Usually all I ever get is "pratayyy plzzzz plzzz plzzz plzzz" or constant chat / trades / whispers begging for mesos plz just 5 mil i poor.
Gah I hate beggars.

Reply July 11, 2011

Apparantly a lvl 200 DK in my server does something similar to that except w/o meso thing u just mentioned...

Reply July 11, 2011

Hey! Nikki! I removed you from my BL because you never replied to me I'll add you back

OT: It's fine. Just find other people who are willing to help. Those people give you more than you expect. From my experience, they'll like follow you around, give you tips, lend/give you some money, give you some hand-me-down equips, show you places, etc. If you meet a nice Priest/Bishop and make a good relation, you'll most likely train with that person later on. Which is a double win for you!

Reply July 11, 2011

Yeah, but this is what happens once more people become more rich and think they're better than others.
Which in terms of the game, they are. But they either do one or the other- help other maplers, or be an aaaaaaaa

Reply July 11, 2011