

Please explain why

Can someone please for the love of god how Nexon managed to destroy this game to such a degree? I grew up on MS, I started in 2006 when I was 8 years old. This game holds all my childhood-video-game-nostalgia-stories. Last time I logged into this account was in 2009 when the game was actually still good. I recently logged on to see what had become of it and I was welcomed with a heaping pile of dog crap. It's frankly ridiculous what they've done with everything, it's the most unbalanced, cookie cutter, unfun game. A bajillion different classes, with a bajillion different item upgrades. This game used to be fun when you were given freedom to explore things on your own. Now they've destroyed all the maps and pretty much made the game a simulator where you walk through and they just tell you how to get to lvl 200 in a day.

October 16, 2013

8 Comments • Newest first


Can someone please, for the love of <insert deity here>, explain how the mods and deputies keep letting threads like this get posted and not immediately deleted?

I swear, some of the people I see in MapleStory are some of the most ungrateful people I've ever seen, finding reasons to complain about every little nuance. And I seriously can't believe you called this game 'cookie-cutter' when there are literally infinite combinations of classes, items and play styles compared to 2009... compared to when all there used to be was "[i]Play these classes, wear these items, and follow this guideline exactly to not suck and be miserable for the next fifty levels.[/i]" Nearly forty classes, over a dozen different regions to explore (not including theme dungeons), and hundreds upon hundreds of weapons and armors is 'cookie-cutter' to you?

Guess what, kid--things evolve in order to survive. If nothing changes, everything stagnates and dies; why do you think a game like World of Warcraft has lost almost 40% of its player base since the release of 'Cataclysm'? Not enough updates, and not frequently enough. You wanna leave? No one's stopping you. Just don't let the door hit you on the way out; we don't want your filthy ass prints all over our freshly-polished door...

...and if this is just a troll thread, then you've most certainly succeeded. 10/10; would rage again.

Reply October 16, 2013

@minixd I don't disagree but unfortunately the truth is that Maple needs to be consistently updated or else people will eventually get bored and leave. However it's not to say that the path the game has taken was the best, as it has been very profit-oriented, which you can't much blame a company for doing. Things will keep changing, and I just play along and hope things just go for the better over time.

Reply October 16, 2013

Same here, but deal with it. Maplestory is just a game. Have fun or not, just quit.

Reply October 16, 2013

So you haven't been on since 2009? Then how do you know if the game is "unfun"? Like you said, a lot has changed. Ofc things hasl changed its 2013...not 2006 anymore. Why not explore a bit before whining.

Reply October 16, 2013

You're 15. You're already so invested in the game (DESPITE HAVING SUPPOSEDLY QUIT FOR SO LONG) as to make a thread ranting about the follies of, oh I don't know, every other p2w mmo ever created. Ever.

Reply October 16, 2013

I think Nexon motives were to change the game with the changing views of video games with the current generations, it moved from the more "retro/hardcore" style where it was hard to level & challenging to this newer perspective of games where most aspects are easy and less challenging. If you look at games these days they have checkpoints almost every few minutes of game play and infinite lives etc.

Reply October 16, 2013

okay, go back to 2006.

Reply October 16, 2013

I swear it's the same person making multiple accounts complaining about the same thing every single day

Reply October 16, 2013