

Do athiests speak His name

Do they or do they not speak God's name in vain?

'God damn it!'
'Jesus Christ *&$#QFhkjhker'
'Mother of jesus!'
'Holy ghost!'

Or, as an alternative: 'What the devil?'

Just curious, basil

August 19, 2011

19 Comments • Newest first


Why in satans name are you guys even debating this?

Reply August 19, 2011

Oh no. no more religion threads. They get very out of hand and riled up really fast...

Reply August 19, 2011

I just say sky wizard

Reply August 19, 2011

I've been being more conscious of it and have been saying gosh. Just became a common expression that's all. I've also unconsciously avoid capitalizing god by saying "a god". Didn't occur until my English teacher commented on it. Though it's correct as it's a singular noun. Immature? Perhaps but it wasn't something I knew i was doing.

Reply August 19, 2011

I do and I'm atheist, but I was raised Christian.

Reply August 19, 2011

My buddhist friend says "Jesus Christ."

Reply August 19, 2011

Like others have said, its become a common term. Maybe it was brought about through the mass emergence of athiesm. I reckon that if say God was not known as God, but maybe as Aofi, we could have ended up saying Oh my Aofi? (that was made up btw)

Reply August 19, 2011

[quote=tsuyoka]Well couldn't the definition of god be a superhuman entity(or just very powerful) or a very respected being I don't think that creator comes in the package maybe the social package tho[/quote]

Sure it could mean a superhuman entity but you'd have to be agnostic.
You could start saying 'oh my spaghetti' or 'oh my superman' lol

Reply August 19, 2011

i avoid it. i usually replace it with "gawd" or "gah"

Reply August 19, 2011

@kurandox99: 'Oh my non-existent god' is a better term. I have met women who would say, 'suck my non-existent ----' and I'd say that's completely appropriate.

Reply August 19, 2011

[quote=MissMaylie]@GreenDragon: Your entire environment is controlled by God.
In a philosophical point of view, one may even argue that humans cannot stop mentioning God in language is overwhelming evidence that such a being exists, and that we know this fact unconsciously.[/quote]

No, just no. Flawed logic is flawed.

We saw it just because it's such a commonly used phrase.

If you hear it, you say it. Or that's usually why people will start saying things. I don't believe in god but I say it just cause I do. It comes naturally. I don't make the effort to say "Oh my non-existent god."

^But I bet if everyone started saying that all the time, people would be saying "Oh my non-existent god."

Reply August 19, 2011

@GreenDragon: Your entire environment is controlled by God.
In a philosophical point of view, one may even argue that humans cannot stop mentioning God in language is overwhelming evidence that such a being exists, and that we know this fact unconsciously.

Reply August 19, 2011

@GreenDragon: How is it natural? You do realize that you being controlled by religion in all walks of life without even knowing it.

Reply August 19, 2011

[quote=MissMaylie]Yes. it matters. Because athiests always say there is no such thing as God. So why do they go about saying 'OH MY GOD' all the time? There is no God up thar to listen to your troubles[/quote]
It's because those phrases have become a common expression. Like cold turkey... Anyways, technically, we shouldn't be afraid to say it because we are saying His name in vain aren't we?

Reply August 19, 2011

[quote=heyitsmexD]Does that matter? lol I'm an atheist and I still say "oh my god." "jesus christ"[/quote]

Yes. it matters. Because athiests always say there is no such thing as God. So why do they go about saying 'OH MY GOD' all the time? There is no God up thar to listen to your troubles

Reply August 19, 2011

Not trying to start any flame war or anything here. Because I'm an Atheist, I've always wondered; if Hell is a place for people who have sinned, isn't the Devil/Satan/Lucifer a actually a good being?
Edit: Bit off topic.

Reply August 19, 2011 - edited

I'm Buddhist, and I speak his name in vain.

Reply August 19, 2011 - edited

Does that matter? lol I'm an atheist and I still say "oh my god." "jesus christ"

Reply August 19, 2011 - edited

I say all those things and I'm agnostic.

Reply August 19, 2011 - edited