

Training spots for a low range Evan? 999 monsters quests

Are there any especially good training spots? I'm level 114 and have a pretty terrible range (4280-5706) since I'm still using my level 75 staff

It can't be in some places because they don't count for the quest :[ I think evo and singapore, stuff like that? Does anyone have any suggestions please? I've come back recently and I'm kinda lost.

@EDIT: Btw, if you could offer more advice I'd be really grateful. If I'm poor (idk like 20m?) should I be putting more ap into luk? I have 4 atm and it's limiting what I can wield since I only have 70 luk in total with items.

August 22, 2013

2 Comments • Newest first


Never put any ap into luk. If your looking for items, the event items usually dont require any luk which is probably your best option considering your not funded. As for place to train pq's are bad so why dont you give that a shot.

Reply August 22, 2013

Since you're a mage, you should be focusing on INT. As for spots, I put my lv125 Evan at Blue Dragon Turtles during attendance check. They are weak to fire, so skills such as Earthquake and Flame Wheel would do extra damage to them. Also remember to keep your MP above 30% to get that magic attack boost.

Reply August 22, 2013