
What to merch

Hello maple people.
I recently came back to maple after a break and I was wondering what items are good for merching atm.
I have 100mil mesos right now so that's the starting point.

Thanks in advance

December 2, 2014

6 Comments • Newest first


Can try to make furies not a lot but it doesn't require you be have high DMG etc

Reply December 2, 2014
This is a good guide to get familiar to the market and not really start merching but benifitting from looting
After you get familiarized by the above guide you will probably be good enough to merch by then

Reply December 2, 2014

Thanks for the advice guys ^^

Reply December 2, 2014
Blackinup <------ This guide helped me alot. Try it.

Reply December 2, 2014

When I came back to Maple, I also had this dilemma.
What I did was to start with things I knew people always needed, like (advanced) potential scrolls and empress armors (be careful with weapons, those can be harder to sell).
I started by checking the market for prices for each class and item, and I knew that there was a Night Walker revamp recently, so people would want stuff for their NW.
Start simple by buying things for cheap and then sell a little higher. I bought empress stuff for 8m each piece, and resold at 15m, and slowly worked my way upwards to more pricey stuff (thief, warrior and mage stuff are the easiest to sell, pirate and bowman stuff are cheap and harder to sell).
Get comfortable with the market and the prices, and keep and eye on what is coming (Star Force tomorrow, star enhancement scrolls have deflated a lot, and are hard to sell).
Also take advantage of events, and professions. You can always harvest things for lazy crafters and sell the items. Superior item crystals and purple magic powders are always in demand.
You can also get ores and herbs form evolution world as well.
Here are some other guides on Basil:

You should also look into Commerci (do party Voyages after prequests) and Gollux, you can get amazing stuff to sell if you do them diligently.

Good luck and welcome back

Reply December 2, 2014 - edited

CSS probably...

Reply December 2, 2014 - edited