

What will happen to mastery books after the revamp?

I was just wondering what is going to happen to all the old mastery book once the revamp comes for Buccs. Do they just become obsolete, or will they turn into the new/updated versions of the skills? don't know if i should prepare my my marauder now for the revamp or not =/ thanks!

February 11, 2012

11 Comments • Newest first


@Toukie - Post the link up.
@caryofilles - I'm certain they will give you the option (light bulb notification) to retrieve the 100% mastery book, even if you are past Lv70. It just activates the quest at Lv70, so you're 100% safe.

Reply February 18, 2012

[quote=caryofilles]yea can you receive the book even if your past lvl 70?[/quote]

Almost 100% certain you can if it's similar to the revamp for Warriors/Archers. Nexon is stupid, but I don't think they're that stupid. So yea, if you're above 70 you should be able to get to pick the book whenever, and if not you just need to level to 70 to pick.

Reply February 18, 2012

yea can you receive the book even if your past lvl 70?

Reply February 18, 2012

[quote=amoora95]where did you find that those skills turn into the other skills?[/quote]
KMS Buccaneers in SouthPerry stated the skill changes.
There have also been a few topics within the Bucc Section going over the skill changes as well :x

@Below: Yes, you'll be 100% guarantee'd a free max level mastery book.

Reply February 13, 2012 - edited

[quote=rone8]in kms the books didnt change what they did is u take the old books to the maple admin and change them to another skill book that u pick[/quote]
Yeah, KMS(T) did that, but it's [i]highly[/i] likely that GMS will continue in their usual Revamp fashion, and let the books automatically change.
Would be silly to have the Thief and Pirate Revamp alter in that sense, and it also would be highly unfair compared to every past revamp. Really, despite the copy paste nature of GMS, we do know they aren't 100% the same as the original KMS version :x

As for the Time Leap question, those books will alter into a Buccaneer skill. Which one, I'm unsure of.
But they won't go to waste simply because the mastery level lowered. Something like this similarly happened before I believe..

Reply February 12, 2012 - edited

in kms the books didnt change what they did is u take the old books to the maple admin and change them to another skill book that u pick

Reply February 11, 2012 - edited

what about the time leap books? just curious because i tossed all mine out lol

Reply February 11, 2012 - edited

alright lol, thanks! now to buy. gladly, in my server theyre all mostly below a mil.... yay! ha

Reply February 11, 2012 - edited

[quote=MrFroggie]ahh, gotcha. we'll, right now my UA marauder is only lvl 81.. don't see me leveling it for a bit since im currently on my DB/Merc/DS. so i plan on buying in bulk now and saving for later, maybe 2-3 of each since they are relatively cheap. A person in my LHC party said that the old books are going to just disappear, which worried me...[/quote]
Yeah, I'd highly recommend buying the books in bulk :x
Energy Orb, Barrage, and Snatch are deemed "useless" for us Buccaneers currently, and thus their skillbook prices usually range from 1m - 10m at highest. Oddly enough, when the revamp occurs those 3 "useless" skills turn into the most vital and important skills of our class, and thus as you can imagine, those skillbooks are going to skyrocket drastically in price.. Buying in bulk now in preparation for the Revamp's going to save you a lot of money in the future.

But yeah, don't worry, no books are going to disappear. Our Pirate Revamp will be no different than any other classes' previous revamp. And same thing for them, their old skillbooks changed into their new skills. Which, as a Bishop also who watched my old books alter into new skills, I can vouch for that as well c:

Reply February 11, 2012 - edited

ahh, gotcha. we'll, right now my UA marauder is only lvl 81.. don't see me leveling it for a bit since im currently on my DB/Merc/DS. so i plan on buying in bulk now and saving for later, maybe 2-3 of each since they are relatively cheap. A person in my LHC party said that the old books are going to just disappear, which worried me...

Reply February 11, 2012 - edited

As you know, as a Buccaneer, our skills are getting altered. If you aren't sure of what skills become what, I'll list off the changes very quickly.

Super Transformation -> Guard Crash
Barrage -> Fist Enrage
Energy Orb -> Energy Blast
Snatch -> Vipersition
Demolition -> Nautlius Ultimate

Now, due to these changes, the Mastery Books will also alter into them. Say you have a ST20 on hand when the revamp occurs. Next time you log in you'll have GC20 within your inventory instead. This means the old current books do not become obsolete, but rather continue to stay useful.

Another thing to keep in mind, is that if you're a Buccaneer, your skills' max mastery level will also transfer over to prevent you from having to re-pass any books again. So if possible, it's best to pass any and all skillbooks before our Revamp occurs to save yourself from having to buy the new overly priced skillbooks. As we all know, it'd be better to pass, let's say EO20 for 1m, than to pass EB20 (which EO changes into) for like 100m.

Reply February 11, 2012 - edited