

Restarting Maple - Need some help finding my way Broa

It's been about two years since I last played Maple and I'm looking to get back into it just to fill my spare time between games of LoL and when I need a break from it. I'm a 16x Phantom and I was pretty well funded (130k damage range with my own buffs iirc, servers are down rn though).

I have absolutely no idea where to train (LHC apparently doesn't give the same EXP as it did a couple years ago?), no friends to play with, and really no idea what I'm doing in general. So if anyone can help me with where I should train, general good-to-know economy things, which class it the strongest, etc, that would be amazing. ;w; Also with MS2 coming out, is this game even worth putting energy into?

P.s. sorry if this is the wrong section, there isn't really a "yo let me get help" type thing and since I'm not necessarily looking for a guild this seemed to fit best?

December 27, 2014

1 Comment • Newest first


Hi welcome back tho I would just recommend you just stop, turn around and dont touch this game not worth.
Do Demension Invasion Pq 10 times a day and bosses, it racks up alot of exp or go to through the gate of future at ToT anywhere there is good like henesy ruins. Stronghold is another popular spot in there.

Reply December 27, 2014 - edited