
So anyone can play Kms now cause of this

@ Amateur - I understand that myself, that the HP increases were necessary because damage rates were doing better, but without the 60 cap skills HP doesn't sound like it's going away fast enough. I'm just going by what I heard from most of my friends, who seem to be quite well informed themselves.

And the KSSN isn't required anymore. Nexon Korea got sued for around 6 million in USD, for illegally giving out KSSNs of their users to third parties, and no longer require KSSNs to register. And I did hear about having to have a number to register.

@ Ishi - I'm sure alot of people try to dodge acrobats here in NA. But when the servers fail to render classes positions fast enough compared to that of CDN or KDN, that's not always easy to handle the Acrobats. I play a Priest and I've fought plenty of them. I'm not sure what's going on, but right now when I see their attacks, I dodge. I've timed sliding step through ring shot plenty of times as well, only to get a slap in the face when sliding step should have obviously went through it, and it never does. The class design itself for Acrobat is too strong for PvP in general to begin with, and since needed some kind of nerf, but the nerf cannot be too great, because even I want Acrobat to be more well balanced for a fun fight.

You're saying at least half the classes are easymode? Are there any videos of current KDN pvp?

just copied and pasted this from a guy who plays kDN... lol wow i always knew nexon was corrupt

August 15, 2012

17 Comments • Newest first


They might use something else.

Reply August 15, 2012 - edited

[quote=aclAnn]I'm gonna stick to GMS where people don't F6 you for speaking english and saying in Korean, "What's he saying?"
AND where you understand what the NPCs are saying too...[/quote]

Instead, we do that to Spanish players.

Reply August 15, 2012 - edited

wrong only thing facing hell atm is nexon korea they face the possiblities of being shutdown or run out of business considering what they did hit the news in korea i dont think koreans will like that they pretty much sold peoples identity and put their lives in danger i mean who would do that to kids? and further more nexon america is corrupt aswell

Reply August 15, 2012 - edited

i believe its only based off phone number atm to sign up not sure im just going by what i heard

Reply August 15, 2012 - edited

wont worry about me playing KMS im only interested in playing games like Audition 2 where no one can go and troll

Reply August 15, 2012 - edited

R.I.P American KMS players. They noobs are coming.

Reply August 15, 2012 - edited

its not just for KMS people you can play any Korea game now im signing up for korean audition and maybe korea gunz the duel 2 to test it out

Reply August 15, 2012 - edited

Oh great. Just what we need. Everyone will start playing KMS, then they'll block us (people who are already playing just fine too). While they play they'll flood KMS (English though) forums with complaints about how hard it is and all other stuff. Then when everyone gets blocked there will be a poopstorm.

Reply August 15, 2012 - edited

Isn't the KSSN system the reason why KMS didn't have as many hackers as GMS?

Be ready for a bunch of the American kids be called the F.O.B's.

Reply August 15, 2012 - edited

Wtf, asking social security numbers to play a game? o.o

Reply August 15, 2012 - edited

[quote=aclAnn]I'm gonna stick to GMS where people don't F6 you for speaking english and saying in Korean, "What's he saying?"
AND where you understand what the NPCs are saying too...[/quote]
One thing to change your mind, the economy there isn't based on Nx. You can spend way less mesos to do the same amount of a funded character here

Reply August 15, 2012 - edited

actually its not just Nexon korea.

Korea appearently is passing a law that shall take affect August 18th where no more KSSN's will be allowed to sign up for games... lol

Reply August 15, 2012 - edited

[quote=enaileshoe]Itd be nice if you summarized it, since i dont know half the stuff said here.[/quote]
Lemme try, North Korea got sued for KSSN, KSSN was needed to make a Nexon account, no more KSSN means Gms players can get an account without a random KSSN so it's easier.

Reply August 15, 2012 - edited

Are u serious because if u are im going to Basil#2 Korea Edition. <<<<<<SWAG over there

Reply August 15, 2012 - edited

basicly this guy who plays kDN who is on nexon forums atm said that nexon korea got sued for illgeally handing out their users KSSNs and now they were forced to stop using kssn for sign up to play their games so now pretty much anyone can play a Nexon Korea game without an KSSN

Reply August 15, 2012 - edited

Itd be nice if you summarized it, since i dont know half the stuff said here.

Reply August 15, 2012 - edited