

How to fund a 152 Aran

My friend gave me his stripped Aran (4 dex, maxed Overswing, High Mastery, and Freeze Standing, Lv. 8 Final Blow and 1 in Sudden Strike), and I'd like to use 2.1bil off of my main to fund this character. What should I get?

Edit: I can get a Czak helm, but that's pretty much it.

December 31, 2011

2 Comments • Newest first


Merch with that money a bit. Then slowly get 6% gears and a perfect PSB atleast. Earrings are very cheap.

Reply January 1, 2012

Get a decent Polearm First.
Try buying 6%str Equip
(get overall if you're trying to save money)
And definitely Max Final Blow!

Reply January 1, 2012