
Which of these classes wins in Dps and bossing potential?

Wind Archer, Xenon, Night Lord, Dark Knight, Kaiser, Zero. Including recently revealed nerfs to certain classes.

July 31, 2014

21 Comments • Newest first


Zero has the highest theoretical DPS in the game, if you only want the numbers. The only problem is that Zero's max DPS requires more than just holding down a single button, so trying to maintain their highest possible damage isn't really feasible unless you're one of the three crazy KMS Zeroes who can play them to their full potential.

Reply July 31, 2014

Defiantly Kaiser.

Reply July 31, 2014

[quote=MechSurge]I know this is probably the most generic assumption, but aren't phantoms the best bossing class in this game with unlimited funding?[/quote]
[quote=Narutards]Including recently revealed nerfs to certain classes.[/quote]

Phantoms were indirectly nerfed in the latest KMS patch.

Also FYI,
Unfunded: %/s aka DPS
Funded: %/s
Unlimited funding: Hits/s

TS, you're looking for the wrong information for what you want.

Reply July 31, 2014

[quote=Anthorix]if funding is no prob, just look up da' latest dps chart an' use da' top.[/quote]

you mean hps

Reply July 31, 2014

Pretty sure Kaiser is the best out of what you listed, assuming unlimited funds of course.

IIRC, Wind Archers are pretty powerful right now and hold the number 2 spot out of what you listed.

Unfunded/Low-funds, Zero all the way.

Reply July 31, 2014

Mercedes if funds is not a problem
wait Mercedes isn't on the list gosh darn it

Reply July 31, 2014

kaiser if funds are not a problem. there's some kms dude that hits cap with giga's without being transformed and solos cvellum in 4 minutes

Reply July 31, 2014

I would guess probably Kaiser or Night Lord. I'm not too familiar with Dark Knights these days, but I know that Wind Archers' biggest strength is their mob DPS; not their single-target DPS.
I would guess the same is probably also true for Zeroes.

I'm pretty sure that blue slash attack that Kaisers have is faster than that single-target green laser attack thing that Xenons have, too.

Reply July 31, 2014 - edited

I know this is probably the most generic assumption, but aren't phantoms the best bossing class in this game with unlimited funding?

Reply July 31, 2014 - edited

[quote=VietUA]@Narutards: You never mentioned which boss. You have to take many values into consideration, primarily boss damage and PDR. Many classes receive them passively, others don't. There are other values to be added into this because (even if you hit 50m) a lot of bosses require you to do other things rather than stand in one spot and attack.[/quote]

Let me just ask you this then - which class has the best boss times overall, regardless of funding because I will main that class and fund it continuously over a period of time.

[quote=SirLelouchR2]@Narutards wrong, if you aren't concerned about funding and just want to kill bosses faster, what you want is a class that has many hits per second, that's what will make a difference when capping[/quote]

You misunderstood my post. I'm asking out of these certain classes because these classes are the most appealing to me. By 'boss potential' I do mean considering how fast the class can attack, in your terms, "hits per second."

[quote=9thwolf] what the OT is asking about is which class he should invest his time / money in [/quote]

Thank you for actually reading my thread and understanding what I meant by my question.

Reply July 31, 2014 - edited

[quote=Narutards]Because highest DPS = lowest boss times.
Because if he wasn't so quick to flame and troll, he would read my post first and consider what I'm saying. I'm also asking in terms of how much damage can be dished out to the boss in the least amount of time, hence 'dps.' Answer my question without considering extraneous values, please.[/quote]

He made a rude / passive aggressive comment in a thread I started yesterday, too. Seems like he just likes annoying people, which is very childish.

Anyway, what the OT is asking about is which class he should invest his time / money in.
And money isn't all that matters; a class's attack speed / overall damage / number of hits plays a pretty big role in determining its bossing abilities.

Reply July 31, 2014 - edited

@Narutards wrong, if you aren't concerned about funding and just want to kill bosses faster, what you want is a class that has many hits per second, that's what will make a difference when capping

Reply July 31, 2014 - edited

@Narutards: You never mentioned which boss. You have to take many values into consideration, primarily boss damage and PDR. Many classes receive them passively, others don't. There are other values to be added into this because (even if you hit 50m) a lot of bosses require you to do other things rather than stand in one spot and attack.

Reply July 31, 2014 - edited

[quote=Copyrighted]If funding is of no concern then why did you even ask for the highest DPS class?[/quote]

Because highest DPS = lowest boss times.

[quote=VietUA]@Narutards: How does childishness correlate into the equation in any way? Any class can top the DPS charts if they have enough funds. Plus none of the DPS charts are accurate because none of them play out situations. Take Magnus into account: a lot of dodging. Unless you're an FP and you want to keep your DoTs up, I highly doubt any other mage class would teleport over Magnus unless it was necessary to dodge something or into the blue.[/quote]

Because if he wasn't so quick to flame and troll, he would read my post first and consider what I'm saying. I'm also asking in terms of how much damage can be dished out to the boss in the least amount of time, hence 'dps.' Answer my question without considering extraneous values, please. I'm not trying to start a flame war, it's a simple question, I just want a simple answer.

Reply July 31, 2014 - edited

@Narutards: How does childishness correlate into the equation in any way? Any class can top the DPS charts if they have enough funds. Plus none of the DPS charts are accurate because none of them play out situations. Take Magnus into account: a lot of dodging. Unless you're an FP and you want to keep your DoTs up, I highly doubt any other mage class would teleport over Magnus unless it was necessary to dodge something or into the blue.

Reply July 31, 2014 - edited

if funding is no prob, just look up da' latest dps chart an' use da' top.

Reply July 31, 2014 - edited

I would say Zero, Kaiser, Night lord, Wind Archer, Dark Knight and Xenon in that order

Reply July 31, 2014 - edited

[quote=Narutards]Woop, that's my DOTA slang seeping in.

If you were less of a kid you would realize funding is of no concern to me.[/quote]

calling someone "kid" online makes you seem more like a kid.

Reply July 31, 2014 - edited

[quote=simaini]none of these characters are heroes[/quote]

Woop, that's my DOTA slang seeping in.

[quote=VietUA]Let's all cringe and give this man a moment of silence

OT: Your funds = Your bossing potential[/quote]

If you were less of a kid you would realize funding is of no concern to me.

Reply July 31, 2014 - edited

Let's all cringe and give this man a moment of silence

OT: Your funds = Your bossing potential

Reply July 31, 2014 - edited

none of these characters are heroes

Reply July 31, 2014 - edited