

Things that irritate you?

as of now what irritates me the most is having a buddy that I care for yet that I'm sick of.
Having him around isn't good - but not having him around isn't either.

What irritates you? Anything going on in your life atm that you don't wanna deal with or you arguing with a person for no (or a bad) reason?

general things that irritate me is: People eating with opened mouth.

August 11, 2013

21 Comments • Newest first


That sound when someone rubs plastic wrap just the right way.
When someone talks a lot during a show, and then complains when they don't know what's going on.
That awkward moment when you're trying to walk by someone, but you sort of step in the same direction and bump into each other.

Reply August 12, 2013

When people don't close the door
When people walk in my room or any room when I'm changing/using the bathroom
When my parents stereotype any other race

Reply August 12, 2013

@Kinshima: I don't think it's possible to eat with open mouth without smacking... and it's probably good that it's not easy to remember all the irritating things cause you may just get irritated thinking about it PLUS you'll see how many things actually irritate you and you'll feel like a freak
@StrongPinki: But are you sure that that person is liked?
I know the sort of person that is stupid, mean and ignorant but gets along well with everyone - SUPPOSEDLY.
Cause when you listen to people talk when that person ain't around it's suddenly all trash talk and gossip
@zoneflare4: Oh that reminds me of that one facebook picture I found... where some sort of Redneck or w/e yelled at a bus driver for not being able to pay the bus ticket xD... I don't understand the logic behind it at all.
People that do crap wrong in general and then blame it on others are one of the worst things....
@Wanton: and why is she racist? I mean like, what does she dislike about her background so much?
@MagicFrappe: So basically, internet irritates you it sucks you can't just get away from it though lol. (though life outside of the internet is so much more enjoyable if you know what to do with your time...)
@geologyrox: xD awwww butbut it's fun to act like a jerk sometimes. I rarely use it but sometimes I do say "smex" when I'm messing around. DUN HATE ME. ; 3 ;

Reply August 12, 2013

i got p worked up driving home today thinking about all the people who still say/type "smex" in lieu of "sex". like i can understand being a ten-year-old trying to bypass the naughty word filter on the gaia forums or w/e but if you're just using it in casual conversation because you think it's cute, please get ownt

Reply August 12, 2013

Anime fans. Anime itself doesn't bother me that much, it's an OK art-style, but the fan base is just over the top and frankly disgusts me.
It's like there's some sort of elitism that comes with their fandom, as if no one else could suddenly decide one day to watch anime, and only a few special people can watch it.
Honestly, it is something really small and not a big deal, but it annoys and irritates the Hell out of me.

Edit: Also militant atheists. They are basically the same people that they hate, just on the opposite side. To be honest they're more like extreme anti-theists than actual atheists. Thank God that trend is starting to die down.

Edit: Also, Reddit bothers me. It's a terrible, terrible place that's one huge circlejerk yet I still go there.

Edit: I'm just going to add that hardcore conservatives [b]and[/b] liberals aggravate me to. 99% of them are hypocrites and will judge you solely on your political stance.

Edit: Smug gay people.

My issues are very petty. Most of them are found on the internet.

Reply August 11, 2013 - edited

my friend who is racist to her own people like idk it makes me feel uncomfortable like cant you be a bit more respectful I know you don't like your background but dont go bashing those who share the same background as you

Reply August 11, 2013 - edited

@Nashi: or people who do stupid stuff like lie or steal then get mad at the person who caught them and make them out to be the bad guy instead of owning up to it.

Reply August 11, 2013 - edited

That one friend that is stupid, weird, and mean, but yet everyone likes them

Reply August 11, 2013 - edited

Um, nepotism I guess. I agree with the eating with your mouth open, mostly only if you're smacking. The thing about thinking about things like this is that you can't remember them when you actually want to.

Reply August 11, 2013 - edited

@TheMoneyMam1: Bah I know that that's why I quit drawing a while ago.... I used to love it and do it daily but I can't transfer what I got on my head on paper so I gave up eventually ; ___ ;
@sellinscrolls: This is an "anime"-style/asian GAME though so isn't it kind of normal that people talk about it here?
@assumptions2: And why? lol
@Zoneflare4: oh yeah that's another thing... that, and people that can't be freaking consequent and are passive about everything .__.
@Crabcakes410: Ouch that really sounds irritating as hell <.< lmao...

Reply August 11, 2013 - edited

people who walk extremely slow in front of me.

Other than that, got looots of more.

Reply August 11, 2013 - edited

Little Children

Reply August 11, 2013 - edited

Maybe people who I love, don't love me back.
As in, being friendzoned

Reply August 11, 2013 - edited

People who cant keep promises

Reply August 11, 2013 - edited

that friend that's an ass to everyone, but you still tolerate him

Reply August 11, 2013 - edited

People who talk about anime and LoL on this website.
When there's other forums.

Reply August 11, 2013 - edited

final boss on metal gear rising.

Reply August 11, 2013 - edited

Children and certain types of human.

@TheMoneyMam1 I know that feel

EDIT: and how people can still mistake Armored Core Verdict Day as DLC.

Reply August 11, 2013 - edited

@NekoChan: I was hoping I could irritate you by asking the 2 things you hate the most. A stupid question and a bad anime.

Reply August 11, 2013 - edited

When I mess up on drawing something. I expected it to turn out pretty good but with even the smallest mess up it bugs me...... idk maybe I just expect better out of myself when it comes to drawing...? xD
I also hate it when people chew gum with they're mouth open, or when someone scratches the fabric sometimes used on the ceiling of makes A really irritating noise.

Reply August 11, 2013 - edited

[quote=NekoChan]Not having a Dragon Khanjar at the moment annoys me. Another is probably stupid questions and crappy anime.[/quote]
Is SAO a good anime?

Reply August 11, 2013 - edited