

How is your skin? Any tips?

Hello Basil.
I've found a new hobby which is: Nose strips.

For some reason it's really fun but I'm not sure if it helped improve my skin actually.

[b]How is your skin? Do you have any black heads/wide pores?[/b]
A friend of mine has a limited area on her cheek that looks 100% flawless but she also has tiny blackheads spread all over her nose.
[b]Do any of you have flawless nose skin?[/b]
[b]If yes, how'd you manage to do that?[/b]

[b]Have you been able to get rid of black heads completely before? How?[/b]
I'm considering getting my skin cleaned by a professional. Not sure why I've started to obsess over it but it's gotten so fun to wash my face twice daily (before I'd only give it a quick scrub in the tub but that's it) and put on different lotions (pore refining serum and day/night cream).
[b]Also, what's your daily routine to keep your skin looking fresh/clean?[/b]
I've never paid much attention to specific body parts and always only washed my body as a whole. I've come to notice that if I'd do all the steps I'd wanna do I'd probably spend an hour or so each time and would therefore trap myself for a total of 2-2.5h a day in the bathroom (which is narrow and tedious ; A
[b]How much time do you spend in bathroom daily? And for what?[/b]

Questions are bold to make it easier for you guys

Have you had massive issues with your skin during puberty? (or do you still?)
Personally I only had very few pimples... my skin never actually broke out like it did on my classmates (especially guys).

Poll included for the fun of it.

June 9, 2013

12 Comments • Newest first


How is your skin? Do you have any black heads/wide pores? My skin is meh. i dont have any blackheads or wide pores but i do get the occasional pimple here and there that leaves a red mark for what seems like eternity. luckily, there's such thing as makeup.
Do any of you have flawless nose skin? yeah my nose skin is fine.
If yes, how'd you manage to do that? uhh pimples just dont pop out there. they tend to be on the cheeks when they come.

Have you been able to get rid of black heads completely before? How? i had blackheads on my nose back i highschool and i got rid of them with nose strips i was soo glad they worked. and till today they havnt come back. but yeah...nose strips are the way to go. they make them soft and messed up and u can pick at it and get those darn things out (as nasty as it sounds)

Also, what's your daily routine to keep your skin looking fresh/clean? wash in the morning and night, make sure not to sleep with makeup on.
How much time do you spend in bathroom daily? And for what? um. showers are like 40 minutes long and other than that brushing teeth. maybe an extra 5 minutes for applying a moisturizer. but i do that once a week cuz im so lazy.

Reply June 10, 2013 - edited

This is going to be long... lol
[b]How is your skin? Do you have any black heads/wide pores?[/b]
My skin is kindof weird. some days it's super dry and some time oily. And yes I have blackheads :x I find the nose strip to not work as well because they don't really do their job that well but it do somewhat help! When you're using the nose strip it helps if you use a warm towel or whatever to open your pores up. I only use the nose strip when the blackheads is noticeable tho.
[b]Also, what's your daily routine to keep your skin looking fresh/clean?[/b]
Well everyday I wash my face about 1-2 time (once in the morning and night before I sleep) I just use any face wash I can get my hands on tho. and I notice I don't get much acne if I don't touch my face that much during the day. OH and if you have a face brush that's always a Plus cause you can clean your face better with one. Doesn't matter if it's cheap or expensive it would help but just make sure the brush head isn't a rough one cause it can damage your skin. Also face masks can be your best friend lol depending on what kind they can really help! there's so many different type like clay,peel off,sheet.etc. I use clay and sheet I use one maybe once every 2-3 weeks. (or when I feel like it) The clay mask depending on what you buy it can help make your face soft or dry it out. I use the type that make your face all dry out tho. It helps with acne and oily face. Since it make my face dry I usually just apply some type of face lotion after. The sheet mask I use to help make my face soft; It helps you somewhat "relax" too that's why I like them ^^
[b] How much time do you spend in bathroom daily? And for what?[/b]
Uh for taking showers and stuff? Depends if I'm washing my hair but it usually 10-20min. I don't really do anything after the shower maybe apply face lotion afterwards but that take nomore than 10 seconds.
Have you had massive issues with your skin during puberty?
eh. well I used to break out easily and I used not know how to take care of my skin (I still don't really know how to, well I'm mostly just lazy) but at the moment it got ALOT better. I sometime just get a few pimple here and there that's about it. When I get pimples I usually put this "special sticker" on it and the next day *bam* it pretty much goes away or gets really small.

Reply June 10, 2013 - edited

Drink plenty of water and eat healthy. My skin isn't flawless and could use some improvement. Your skin reflects your overall health.

Reply June 10, 2013 - edited

Never had to deal with blackheads. I do get acne sometimes on the side of my nose and if I catch a cold I end up with dry, flaky skin there.
I don't have flawless skin but I do consider myself lucky

Now I use a generic face wash from Target and then I moisturize my skin either in the morning or at night.

Reply June 10, 2013 - edited

My acne broke out really bad during finals and the "just in case" Proactiv kit I have wasn't doing anything for me, despite it always working in the past. My mom bought me Clinic's Acne Prone skin routine kit and it worked really well for me. My forehead was a war-zone and my nose was full of blackheads, but now I'm consistently 98% clear.

I'd suggest it to anyone that's willing to shell out about $100.

Reply June 10, 2013 - edited

You can remove black heads with those strip thingy you put on your nose. First you moisten your nose area then out on the strip for like 5-10 min or something then you just rip it off and the black heads should be stuck to the sticky piece of paper strip.

Reply June 10, 2013 - edited

@Ecliptic: more thought about going to a beautician who mechanically squeezes out blackheads rather than getting some kind of medical treatment from Derma.
@Watermelon: I tried a store brand (comparably cheap) before and I didn't care too much about the smell. Then I tried Nivea strips... and now I hate the store brand stench xD hahahaha.... gonna buy Nivea ones from now on, they also seem to work better.
The scent indeed is pleasing.
@Snovvy: I do think they can be removed but no clue how much time/pain/money that takes (having them scratched out with some loop thingything o.o)
My mom gets pimples from mustard. I haven't noticed anything, I don't get pimples unless I e.g. squeeze a blackhead out with dirty fingers or somehow dirt gets on the area anytime after I squeezed it (tsk..)
@Snooki: Do you also have that brush? That looks freaking nice. I have a regular [url=]facial brush[/url] but that electrical thing .... want. wantwantwant. D: (also finally want an electrical toothbrush but the one I want is so expensive...)
@.@ honey cinnamon sounds lovely.... never had a selfmade mask... guess I'll really have to try. I hope I'll be able to adopt the habit of having a "beauty day" every week where I dedicate most of the day to take care of my skin/body/physical&mental health xD
@zetalightt: You had cancer? D: and you defeated it? Congratz so much! >____<
and have you had a doc check that? Maybe you could get hormonal treatment. Even if you don't care/mind much it can only do you well (especially if you're not overly stressed/obsessed over getting good skin, you can get through the process much more relaxed and you won't have possible disappointments cause of overly high expectations)
I guess I'm focussing on my skin so much cause being with my man has gotten me more conscious about my body. Not in the way that I desperately feel the necessity to be a beauty for him (which I partially do) but in the way that he pretty much opened my eyes about having to treat my body much better than I have.
I'm working on weight loss and try to pay more attention to my body's natural signals (that most people overlook cause of daily life) and I've just started to figure that I should take better care of my skin too since I work in a heavily dusty environment during workdays and my skin has started to feel very oily and icky (grease mixed with dust doesn't feel good at the end of every day...)
and being 19 you're still a teen and may still be in puberty... possibly your skin will calm down eventually I guess wish the best for you either way and thanks for your post!
@TrueAtheist: What about your face? xD
@milkocha: actually I think I also tend to have pimples more easily during "that time" but it never overly bothered me.
And yeah, drinking a lot actually helps your skin A LOT so that must be the reason you're fine.
I have times where no matter how much I drink my pee is still deep yellow though I have too much crap in my body for w/e reason....
it's great you drink enough, it's always been a challenge for me until I hit my early 20s (before that I never really drank anything unless I really really really felt thirsty)

Reply June 9, 2013 - edited

I only get one or two pimples around that time of the month but other than that my face is pretty clear. I don't clean my face anymore and it's still okay. All I do is use a Korean facial mask before I go to bed once every 2 weeks. I step into the bathroom only to shower, brush my teeth, pee, or poo. I moisturize my face sometime if I'm not lazy. I drink a lot of water too, idk if that helps my skin lol. Btw I drink enough water to where my piss is colorless lololol.

Reply June 9, 2013 - edited

My skin is pretty good besides stretch marks from lifting weights and the occasional zit.

Reply June 9, 2013 - edited

@Nashi i used to have really bad skin back in middle school [blackheads, pimples, etc..]
I wouldn't say my skin is flawless now, but it's like 95% better than what it used to be,
right now i rarely breakout... but if I don't take care of it I will breakout.
i learned A LOT from beauty guru's on youtube d:
my skin care routine is sort of close to ThatsHeart's, which is this,
but if I'm to lazy to do that I throw on a honey mask instead,

Reply June 9, 2013 - edited

I have tried nose strips before they smell so good.

Reply June 9, 2013 - edited

Dermatologists will only give you some creams or antibiotics to get rid of pimples and blackheads.

Reply June 9, 2013 - edited