

Should I Continue With Chemistry 1amp2 Australian

EDIT: it should actually say "1&2"

Okay so I'm having trouble picking which subjects to do, so currently I'm doing:
Accounting 1&2
Methods (Calculus) 1&2
Further (Maths) 1&2
Japanese 1&2
English 1&2
Chemistry 1&2

So our schooling works by picking 3&4 subjects next year which is like year 12, (1&2 is year 11) and the subjects we've picked we have to continue it (unless you want to do another subject but it's going to be hard since you've missed out a whole year of theory and stuff).
In year 12 we have to pick 5 subjects and at the end those 5 subjects are calculated and is totalled up to an "ATAR" score which is like the score to be able to get into university.

SO, I'm having trouble deciding which subject to drop out (since I have 6 subjects, need to drop one for next year), I'm thinking of dropping either Chemistry or Further. The reason why is that I'm REALLY bad at Chemistry (my average score is like an F~D+) but the thing is that Chemistry has a wide range of options and courses to do (prerequisites) and it's good because I DONT KNOW WHAT I WANT TO BE so if I continue it I'll have a wide range of options to do in the future. If I DO Chemistry I think I will get a bad score because of it so I might pick Further but I don't know..

So would you guys pick something you're bad at and be able to get a good wide range of options or pick something you're good at but have limited options?
(If I do pick Chemistry and get a bad score for it, would my ATAR score be lower than if I pick Further?

TLDR: Should I drop Chemistry 1&2 because I'm really bad at it however it does have a wide range of options to pick a course to get into university BUT I may get a bad score for it which causes my ATAR score to be low and I may not be able to get into "Science" or whatever so should I just pick an subject that I'm good at but have limited options?


August 11, 2012

5 Comments • Newest first


[quote=NaturalTEARS]Further maths is like stats and or something i dunno - it's like easy maths LOL[/quote]
Honestly, if he is thinking anything outside of a science-y field, it might be better to take that. Stats come up in a lot of different fields, it seems like everyone ends up taking some type of stats course in university.

Reply August 12, 2012

[quote=LowWillpower]I found my first chem course to be by far the hardest I've ever taken. My second one seemed to have more absolute answers, and less annoying memorization or explanations, I found it really easy.

After taking those, my full year university chemistry course was really easy.

What kinds of math is Further anyways?[/quote]

Further maths is like stats and or something i dunno - it's like easy maths LOL

Reply August 12, 2012

I found my first chem course to be by far the hardest I've ever taken. My second one seemed to have more absolute answers, and less annoying memorization or explanations, I found it really easy.

After taking those, my full year university chemistry course was really easy.

What kinds of math is Further anyways?

Reply August 12, 2012

[quote=mistermojo]What are you looking to get to in uni ?
Also, school ?

OT: Rule of thumb is you choose the subject you enjoy/are good at as it'll be much better for your atar[/quote]

Well that's the thing, I don't know what I want to do when I grow up but I guess I'll just do something in the business era?
(But that's just a suggestion)
and I don't want to say my school here but I live in the west lol.

Reply August 12, 2012

[quote=marcusrulz88]Keep Chemistry. As long as you get 25+ (below average), so many options remain open.

Only time you should pick Further over Chemistry is if you're a god at numbers which in that case, take Specialist instead of Further. And if you're worried about Chem dragging your ATAR down, it doesn't affect your ATAR much if its you're 5th/6th subject. If worse come to worse and you don't get the pre-requisite for Chem, at least you tried and no regrets Chem gets a decent scale-up anyway, +5 compared to Further's -2.

Sources: Yr12 2012 taking almost exactly same subjects.[/quote]

omg thank you - are you good at chemistry?
i'm so bad lol i failed the exam

Reply August 12, 2012