

nednarbned #Chat Talk

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Do you dream? Long story short, for about a year and a half now (after something tragic happened in my life) i haven't been dreaming. Once every few months if i eat right before bed or just randomly in a long while i might have a dream but for 90+ % of the time i don't dream anymore :/ I always fall asleep right away because i just try not to think about anything in my life. I workout 3 days a week so maby its because im tired? Idk. Do you have dreams regularly? Lucid dream? When do you usually have then, or can you make them happen? Comment below. Edit: So is there any reliable way to remember them?

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A closer look: Christianity Ohh no... Now because of that title.. a big flair goes up. You click in thinking.. is he an atheist? or a christian? Others just dread another \"flame war\" others fuel it. Yes. I am a Christian. Seventh Day Adventist to be specific. What is that? Look it up. Or go to I have recently seen a lot of discussions. Mostly about hypocritical atheists (who claim Christians shove there beliefs down others throats) claiming what they believe, science, or logic is 100% correct and absolute truth. Well i have a different approach. I believe that the truth is true whether anyone believes it or not. Although i personally think basil should remain a place with MAPLESTORY discussions, and the chat