

Oh goodness

I loled when I saw this -.-
Thief Basic Skills

Flash Jump: At Master Level (5): MP Cost 12, Jumps further

Assassin/ Hermit/ Night Lord 2nd Job

Assassin's Mark: At Master Level (1): Mark ATT Chance: 40%, Damage: 30% + 1% player's level.
[MOVED] Flash Jump

Assassin/ Hermit/ Night Lord 3rd Job

Shade Splitter : At Master Level (20): MP Cost: 30 and 3 throwing stars, Damage: 213%, Number of Attacks: 3, Max Enemies Hit: 8

Assassin/ Hermit/ Night Lord 4th Job

[NEW] Showdown : At Master Level (20): MP Cost: 40 and 3 throwing stars, Max Enemies Hit: 6, Damage: 618% by attacking twice, EXP and Item Drop Rate Increased: 30%, Duration: 120 sec.
[New] Night Lord's Mark : At Master Level (10): Mark ATT Chance: 60%, Damage: 60% + 1% player's level

December 4, 2013

18 Comments • Newest first


[quote=OldManMaple]Oh, I know they have been overlooked. But at least NLs have had their day in the sun at one point in MS history. :-)[/quote]

You said Pirates got the least amount of updates. They didn't; it's factually incorrect. NLs didn't get overlooked throughout more updates than Pirates. I was stating the overlooking on its own merit.

Reply December 4, 2013

@Lecarde: Jett is, at least in the same vein as pre-RED DB and CS are (special) Adventurers.

Reply December 4, 2013

[quote=AfroLeader]No, they don't. NLs have been just as overlooked.[/quote]

Oh, I know they have been overlooked. But at least NLs have had their day in the sun at one point in MS history. :-)

Reply December 4, 2013

[quote=Lecarde]Maybe I read Max's blog wrong, but I though when he covered RED that he said it would apply to all explorers[/quote]

No, you read it wrong. I specifically remember it being applied to only Pirate Adventurers (Bucc and Corsair). The only question would be if Jett also gets it since kMS doesn't have Jett as a Pirate Adventurer.

Reply December 4, 2013

@FreeIcecream: Maybe I read Max's blog wrong, but I though when he covered RED that he said it would apply to all explorers

Reply December 4, 2013

Patch notes aren't the be-all and end-all. I'd wait for extractions to confirm any doubts.

Reply December 4, 2013

Also, pirates get the least amount of updates. [/quote]

No, they don't. NLs have been just as overlooked.

Reply December 4, 2013

[quote=Lecarde]@ObsidianFire: I hope your right

Also, it seems to me as if only Pirates get to share the Master of Swimming and Master of Organization yet I thought that was going to be shared with all explorers I am really bummed, thats not really fair to give Pirates so many extra inventory spaces absolutely free yet the other explorers have to pay to expand their inventory[/quote]

It's a pirates nature to pillage and plunder. Then take all the loot back to the ship where there is a huge cargo hold for this stuff. Thieves typically steal in small quantities.
Also, pirates get the least amount of updates. The should get some love somewhere. Plus, consider it a mule freebee. If you don't have a pirate or quit playing it, you now have a free super-mule.

I wouldn't worry about the patch notes. They also didn't say that Corsairs get their new battleship. They left a ton of stuff out. Probably because it would take 4 years to put it all together since they're not master bloggers.

Reply December 4, 2013

so? why you loled

Reply December 4, 2013

[quote=Lecarde]@ObsidianFire: I hope your right

Also, it seems to me as if only Pirates get to share the Master of Swimming and Master of Organization yet I thought that was going to be shared with all explorers I am really bummed, thats not really fair to give Pirates so many extra inventory spaces absolutely free yet the other explorers have to pay to expand their inventory[/quote]

They only ever said it was for Pirates, and the only reason for that being that Cannoneer already had the Expanded inventory skill. It would be no fun changing from a Cannoneer to a Corsair/Buccaneer and losing almost half of your inventory space + the items that were in it

Reply December 4, 2013

@ObsidianFire: I hope your right

Also, it seems to me as if only Pirates get to share the Master of Swimming and Master of Organization yet I thought that was going to be shared with all explorers I am really bummed, thats not really fair to give Pirates so many extra inventory spaces absolutely free yet the other explorers have to pay to expand their inventory

Reply December 4, 2013

[quote=Existence]Quality basilmarket post critiquing someone when not being able to do something correct yourself.
Right here folks, gather round.[/quote]

I'm trying to help a fellow who had a doubt, and you come to mention that I'm not writing correctly. Why dont you grow?
If I missed something that does not take away my right to say that anything is wrong when in fact it is.

Reply December 4, 2013

[quote=sungi1]Wheres the quad throw dmg boost... and every other boost...[/quote]

Updates notes still in part 1, and they made a lot of mistakes in typo...
I guess they were lazy to write things

Reply December 4, 2013

Wheres the quad throw dmg boost... and every other boost...

Reply December 4, 2013

Only this? but KMS's revamp was bigger. ._.

Reply December 4, 2013

dont worry, shadowers have a smaller revamp...

Reply December 4, 2013 - edited

I don't get it either?
It's just a copy of the revamped skills and additions?

Reply December 4, 2013 - edited