

Getting to lv200

So I got my Zero to Lv181. I wanna try and get him to 200. Where should I train? Also, is it fast on Zero or will it be a total grindfest for months?

December 30, 2013

3 Comments • Newest first


It shouldn't be THAT bad for you.

Zero's automatically start out way more 'funded' than any other class. Free level 170 (tier 5) weapon, that is on par with or greater than most Fafnir Weapons with essentially free potential resets. They also can buy a full set of pretty decent equipment, free mastery books, etc etc.

Not to mention, I literally SOLO grinded a room of HoH for maybe 30 minutes on non-2x exp and got around 40% exp. Imagine a full party, AND 2x, I'm thinking a level every 50 minutes to an hour? Hell, at 190 (if you think you're funded enough) you can even go to future Perion.

Reply December 30, 2013

Dimention Invasion or HoH

Reply December 30, 2013

[quote=AndyArcherX]At this stage train at Hoh or stronghold, It will be a grindfest sorry to say but that's the path of the higher levels.
Using the 2X free coupon event +Zero card 8% might be better for you[/quote]

Damm, I'm completely unfunded too

Reply December 30, 2013