

Dumb Friendship Issues II

Part One is right here:

In Part One, it basically says that my two "best friends" were at a concert and I really, REALLY wanted to go to it. And they came back from the concert this Monday and started bragging to me about how "awesome" the concert was and stuff. And me, considering I desperately wanted to go to that concert but since it was out of state and on a school day, my parents would definitely NOT drive me to the concert. And I was very upset and sad that they kept bragging to me about the concert.

So one of my friends found out that the reason that I was upset was because of the concert. Or as she calls it: "The best day of my life!"

And she twisted it and placed the blame on me for the "friend drama". But I know it's not my fault.

(Click link if you want to read the whole thing. I left out a few minor parts to this problem.)


Last night, i had sent her several other apology texts. Saying that I'd only apologize if she did too. And that she could apologize for "doing nothing" (even though I knew she was the one who pretty much caused it....).

And she argued back today, this morning, that she had no reason to apologize. That [i]I[/i] was the one who should've been apologizing instead of her. And that she wasn't going to apologize.

And, I know for sure, that the both of us want to get over with this stupid, pointless drama over a concert but I'm beyond confused as to why she won't apologize and how she's not seeing that this isn't my fault.....

And after school today, my other friend that went to the concert with girl-who-refuses-to-apologize-even-though-it's-her-fault was glaring at me. She also posted a FaceBook status that said: "Ugh! Some people can be so immature!".

In case you're probably wondering why i want to keep her as a friend (and trust me, I'm not sure if i even want her as my friend if she's gonna be acting like this every time she and the other girl are going to keep bragging about concerts that they both to and i haven't and if they'll keep trying to twist it so that every single time I get sad over that, it's my fault. -____-) is because we have a "group of friends" and the two of them always hang out with my other friends.

September 16, 2011

3 Comments • Newest first


well, I suppose you should just let it go
and apologize, and act like it never happened, I guess..
but now you'll be aware of what kind of person your friend is.
( a meanie).

Reply September 17, 2011

Do girls really act like this? wow...

Reply September 17, 2011

If you actually wanted to end the drama than you would have apologized and let it go already instead of waiting for an apology back. Right now you are prolonging the fight by demanding an apology back when you could just suck it up and let it go.

Reply September 17, 2011