

nijit15 #Chat Talk

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Rate this please? I like to write poems and such, and I also like rap (no, not the rap about drugs, sex, money, and hoes but the rap like Kanye, Lupe, Kid Cudi... ect that rap about life. I was listening to Drakes "Fear" instrumental while trying to write a poem and so I wrote a poem that could I guess go along with the song. Rate it please? This is me, this is what I am. As a young boy, I was forced to be a man. Had dreams of becoming a famous poet, And writin a bunch of a novels on some Edgar Allen Poe s**t. Some call it a gift, some say it's a curse. This is the power i've been dealin with since my day of birth. Able to move crowds with strong words That'll change hearts, bring light to the world. I remain strong, though I feig

General Chat

Its about that time of year again College As many of you know, it's summer time! As we get older, summers seem like it goes by faster. This summer is going by fast and before many of us know it, we will be returning to school and many will be heading off to college! This will be my second year at college but I'm at a dilemma. I have no idea what I want to major in and I need to start choosing now because after this semester I will be finished with my General Education courses and need to start working on a major. Originally entering college I had always wanted to be a Veterinarian and declared my major in Veterinarian Sciences. After doing research and stuff I found out after 4 years I had to go to an out of state graduate school, and neede

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Acne Solutions are the problem I have had Acne since I was in 5th grade. Now in 12, I still have it. But my question... are Solutions the problem? I have tried various items to get rid of mine. Proactive, Stridex, Skin ID, Neutrogena Fash wash, honey, and apple cider. The thing is they all seem to have worked to some extent. My face looks like it is clearing up for the first day or two, doing the thhings they are supposed to do like making your face all dried out and crap. Then after that little period of time it's like everything I try has no effect on them. I recently figured this out, using some knockoff brand Proactive. (Because 3 boxes of Proactive have done nothing ;_;) It's almost like the skin on my face adjusts to the products.

General Chat

This problem as been going on for 6, almost 8 Years. Help? Back in the 5th grade when I was a wee lad, I hit puberty. One of the biggest downfalls of puberty hit me too, and it was the 1st. Acne. My Acne had been alright until the 7th grade, not all that bad. Then 8th-9th was horrible, and I mean horrible. 10th it started to cure some, and this year is has been alright, not to bad but also not all that great. I usually wash my face daily with Neutrogena. My parents are divorced, and I went over to my dads house for spring break. My stepmom is a neat-freak, and yea its [i]really[/i] over there. My face cleared up quit a bit over there. The 1st few days It got worse but not much, but then it cleared up. I came back home Sunday, my acne pretty

General Chat

Maths screw you A chain is draped over a fence with one end attached to a steel ball. A monkey is holding onto the other end of the chain with one hand and a banana with the other hand. The chain weighs one-third pound per foot. The ball weighs the same as the monkey, and the banana weighs two ounces per inch. The chain, in feet, is as long as the age of the monkey in years. The weight of the monkey in ounces is as much as the age of the monkey's mother. The combined ages of the monkey and its mother are 30 years. Half the weight of the monkey, plus the weight of the banana, is a fourth as much as the combined weight of the steel ball and the weight of the chain. [b]The monkey's mother is half as old as the monkey will be when it is three t

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