

community college questions

My sister kept nagging me because I've nothing to do for summer she told me take CC summer courses to make my transcript look better because''world became competitive''. Can you attend to CC summer course because even though you didn't finish highschool yet I think I'm still considered as highschool sophomore before becoming a junior this fall. So far i picked San Jose CC and Evergreen CC. And what's transfer credit after my sister tells me to find out if my highschool do or accept transfer credit for CC something like since I've bad memory what my sister said.

June 3, 2014

7 Comments • Newest first


go to De Anza instead, summer registration is this week and classes start in July.
Transfer credit is basically classes that will transfer over to UCs or CSUs.

Reply June 4, 2014 - edited

[quote=NonSonoFronz]Classes probably already started like 2 or 3 weeks ago...
My final for my summer class I'm taking at my university is in less than two weeks.

Call up your school and see if they are willing to do that then call up the CC and see what they say.[/quote]
Googled it, summer courses at those CCs start in <2 weeks.

I highly doubt OP would be able to register for any useful courses at that point.

Reply June 4, 2014 - edited

College courses WOULD be nice since you can take some classes earlier and you don't have to take them during your 4 years of college. But unfortunately many universities do not accept credits from community colleges. But if you're going to attend that school for your college then go for it.

Reply June 4, 2014 - edited

Classes probably already started like 2 or 3 weeks ago...
My final for my summer class I'm taking at my university is in less than two weeks.

Call up your school and see if they are willing to do that then call up the CC and see what they say.

Reply June 4, 2014 - edited

And it's probably already too late to register for summer classes, everything should already be full so you'd have to crash. Classes may have already started at those schools.

Reply June 4, 2014 - edited

What she said^
Go there and talk to someone about it face to face. Clear up your questions, man. Its easier that way.

Reply June 3, 2014 - edited

Your best bet would be either to call the college or go there and talk to someone about this.

Reply June 3, 2014 - edited