

Switching back to a Phantom Tips to fund?

So last night, I finally made the tough decision to go back to the first class that I truly liked. I'm selling all of my warrior gear for mesos atm. My question is, what is the best way to spend it? I'll have 35b from my tyrants and hopefully another 10-15b from my fafnir and other equips. What would be the best way to spend this? Also, I already spent 6.5b on a card.

Furthermore, can anyone explain the distributing funds thing? I have never understood it. Thanks in advance!

January 19, 2014

4 Comments • Newest first


lmao you have 50b+ to play with dont even worry about distributing funds thats only for broke people

Reply January 19, 2014 - edited

Well unlucky for you out of all the servers Broa has the most expensive thief RA equips, I know I looked >.< which really sucks for me and you. Anyways I bought a 315att cane for 12.5 so you might be able to buy one like that too. Wait a little more until you buy RA cause it will deflate even more, and then buy really good pieces for around 5b each. Wait for marvel until you buy tyrants and buy a nice 9-15%reinforced belt and pendant. Do gollux for ring and earring and unique pot. Then scroll all of them with the gollux scrolls. Get ghost ship badge and unique pot it aswell. Buy a 40-56att beryl heart, buy a superior gollux ring and unique pot it. Buy 2 other 15%LUK rings. 17%LUK SW glasses for around 2b, and a nice face and shoulder with %LUK and att. You will be missing tyrant shoes and cape which you will buy when marvel comes out and prices deflate.

Reply January 19, 2014 - edited

First of all worry for your Phantom's level and skills it can use, if you're going for funds you should be at least around 150 if not more (if planning faf and tyrant).

The buffs that might matter the most IF you're bossing are: Rage, Cross Surge (GET THIS) and Arrow Platter. Aside from your normal buffs, you should notice a massive range increase from your ATT, DMG and other features' boosts, specially from Cross Surge.

Now, thief faf is not the cheapest although the cane might be cheap (around here i saw canes being sold around... below 1b? Sorry i haven't checked fm lately) and the thief tyrant is ALSO pretty expensive unless lucky, 50b is somewhat enough to get everything clean-scrolled and without pot, but if you don't want to DIY then go for potted gear, but %LUK on fafs can double the price.

Btw sorry if the post is quite dumb but i wanted to help at most XD.

Reply January 19, 2014 - edited

Distributing of funds is basically don't spend all your mesos on a weapon and have bad other equips because then you'll just be weak. If you spend equal amounts among all of your equips and they're not as godly, you'll be stronger in the short term. However if all you care about is long term, go ahead and get that end game weapon, but who knows if there'll be better equipment out by the time your other equipment is finished?

Reply January 19, 2014 - edited