

Ms with VMWare Fusion?

I find that whenever I use VMWare Fusion for MS (I use a MacBook Air), I lag enough to where the game is just unplayable. Is there any way to fix this? The lag makes me spend so much more time than I need to daily on MS. I have no idea what is causing the lag

February 19, 2014

3 Comments • Newest first


Having a good CPU and enough RAM can run maple on vmware smoothly and lag-free. I can run several vmware without any lag, I have i7 4770k and 16gb RAM.

Reply February 19, 2014

so lucky. I can't even get maple to run . May I ask how you got it running. In terms of lag, maybe up vmware to 2 core and a good amount of ram(at least 8) and maybe that will help. Also, make sure you have a good amount of disk space.

Reply February 19, 2014

Well VMs are gonna be slower than if you are playing on the native OS since it is sharing resources with OSX plus Macbook Air processors aren't that great. If you play in windows natively with bootcamp it will be faster.

Reply February 19, 2014