

niron200 #General Talk


My personal training spots from 30 - 120. (Are they good?) 30 -37 - Mushroom Kingdom (Theme Dungeon) Quests. 37 - 51 - Carnival Party Quest 1. 52 - 57 - Sorry. This one is a secret. 58 - 63 - Ludibrium Toy Factory : Aparatus Room. (Robos and Master Robos). 63 - 65/67 - Zipangu : Vanished Village (Water Goblins). 65/67 - 80/83 - Haunted House : Chimney Possesed By the Clown (Twisted Jesters). (If trained to 80 at TJs, Rex Party Quest to 83). 83 - 90 - Alcadno Research Institute : Lab - Area B-1 (Mithril Mutae) or Alcadno Research Institute : Lab - Area A-1 (Reinforced Mithril Mutae. More EXP but more HP). 90 - 100 - Alcadno Research Institute : Lab - Area C-2 (Neo Huroid and Roid). 100 - 110 - Pirate Party Dungeon (Herb Town) (Captain and Kr