

novaneos #Mercedes Talk

General Mercedes

At around what Damage Range can I soloish Zakum? So my mercedes is level 146, but I plan on getting him to around 155-165 later this week. I haven't completely funded it yet, so I don't really know its full damage range. My friend who has the familiar 1hko says that he will kill off 7 of the arms for me, leaving just 1 arm and the 3 bodies. At around what damage range could I kill of the rest of Zakum? Please write it as in dmg for a single shot of ROI. Also, any tips on killing him? Thanks guys!

General Mercedes

Most effective way to boss with merc? Lightning edge gives 20% boss for 10 seconds, but is it even worth using it and then attacking? The animation is slow and you move.. Spikes Royale gives 40% pdr (right? 20% reg and 20% from hyper) and lasts for 10secs, but it puts you in the air so I chain my wrath of enreal so that I'm still doing damage while in the air, but is this casting this not worth it either? and what the heck does unicorn spike or whatever (3rd job skill) do? The description doesn't make any sense. I usually spikes royale -> wrath of enreal midair -> ishtar until pdr buff runs out, and then repeat. Is there a more effective way? Edited with the correct names lol

General Mercedes

Lf to learn da magnus jukes So I came back to Maple, got to around 1.4m range (again) and actually started bossing instead of lazing around (due to maple rewards). Taking friends to normal magnus so they can get nova's is fun, but I actually do die a lot. Saw some merc vids on magnus doing some funny thangs to avoid magnus rush attack. Also wanted some tipz on avoiding his ballerina move thankx yall ALSO (since I know elufu will come around to this some time or another): Say I have 80% pdr buffed right now. If I used spikes royale on, say CVell, how much def would I be ignoring on my Ish rings?