

onigiri123 #Fun Talk

General Fun

The What Would You Do game day 1 I'm pretty bored at the moment so let's play a game. I'll ask some "what would you do" questions and you give an answer that first pops into your brain/mind. [b]1) What would you do if a telemarketer called you and wouldn't take no for an answer? [/b] [b]2) What would you do if you were taking a big poopoo in your bathroom, you finish up and when you reach for the toilet paper roll, it's empty?[/b] [b]3) What would you do if you went to a public toilet and found a $100 note in the toilet ( note that the water is a brownish-yellow)? (What is the minimum amount that you would go and reach in for?[/b] [b]4) What would you do if you were at a friend's house and you accidentally broke something and your

General Fun

Is my maple gf cheating? Hey basil, Im in a spot of trouble with my maple girlfriend. We were pretty tight and shared each others stuff, went on bossing runs etc Recently, I've had to decrease my playing time for an upcoming judo tournament. Now when I log in she's sitting with another guy and gives him the <3 face... I confronted her: [i]She told me that I'm the only one that's hittin'[/i] [i]And I said 'What about them henes?[/i] [i]And she 'What about them henes'[/i] I logged on to her account once and a guy on her BL said some naughty stuff So I asked her and [i]She told that she's mine[/i] [i]I told her stop lyin' mine and who else[/i] [i]She said worry about yourself[/i] Today, one guy asked her how big her pixels were! Edit: I don

General Fun

To the guy who took mrbesil into slavery I don't know who you are. I don't know what you want. If you are looking for ransom, I can tell you I don't have mesars. But what I do have are a very particular set of skills; skills I have acquired over very long quests. Skills that make me a nightmare for people like you. If you let mrbesil go now, that'll be the end of it. I will not look for you, I will not pursue you. But if you don't, I will look for you, I will find you, and I will DEFAME you.