

onigiri123 #General Talk


Got Scammed Today-no names Today was meant to be a happy day. It didn't happen. I ventured out of Sleepywood, leaving behind my own kind to seek adventure. I met this really pro mapler who offered to give me 10,000 meso for my Maple Warrior 30. I don't need Maple Warrior since I'm a Dual Blader and was glad to get it off my hands. We signed a contract, albeit the censoring. I gave him the book and he said he transferred the payment. He told me to press ALT and F4 to accept my meso. I was D/Ced. He use no-no programs to shut down my Maple. :( I'm going to get him banned by using the shop exploit on him ~____~ How was your day?


Quitting Give Away STATUS ONLINE After my friends quit Maplestory, I never really played anymore so I'm going to give-away items. I've already dropped most of my stuff but have some more that I'll give away to one or two people in SCANIA. What I'm giving away: includes but not limited to since I haven't checked my mules. 2x GM scrolls for Dagger HB pants for Male Thief (Level 90) SAW Machine Gun (Level 127 with 8 slots). Chairs: what ever is left, definitely 2x Toilet Chairs Nebulites AEEs My friend quit with a whole inventory of Master-books on her Cannoneer so all that will be given away too. All you have to do is find me. AEST. That is all. Edit: 1x Tedtacular Bearingtons (Perm NX) 1X Purple Cat Hood.