orangeking11 #Mechanic Talk

General Mechanic

"STOP PUSHING NOOB" A Feel Good Story. xD I was Lvl 69 on my Mech today and was nearing the big seven-zero and decided to do a Ghost Ship PQ. Joined a "TW" and got put in a party with a WH and a Wind Archer. Other team had a WH and two others which I forget the jobs of. Of course as we entered, there was the usual "FFF" spam. We won easily. So when we finished up, the other party needed to recruit and they got a Lvl 73 Mech. Since it was their turn to win, during the boss, I just sat back and Flamethrowered and the WH was playing around with summons. Then the WH on the other team said, "This isn't tw woman." So after they won, we laughed and were beginning to spam "No mercy!" as we prep'ed t