

paladinx27 #Nightlord Talk

General Nightlord

Switch to Empress? Ok, so my current equips are NOT set effect equips (eg. osfa top/bottum/shoes, Dimension Gloves, Red Craven, etc, etc.), but they have +luk & %luk and here is what they give me: CURRENT Range Clean (unbuffed) : 14334 - 16864 CURRENT TOTAL Luk (inluding % and + luk) : 1234 (793 + 441) I am wondering whether or not BUYING a full empress set will increase my range and whether or not it will be worth it I calculated the net increase/decrease in my wep. att/luk will be with full CLEAN empress (including claw) will be, and it is: Net Wep. ATT diff: + 30 ATT Net TOTAL LUK AFTER EMPRESS: 1096 (I will be losing luk because I am replacing % equips with CLEAN Empress and btw this is including FULL EMPRESS set effect) Basically,

General Nightlord

Just Got Back, Need Help Hello everyone, I just got a new laptop so I decided to hop back to Maplestory once more. The Problem is that the last time I played was around 2-3 years ago and my level 71 Hermit has 70 skill points. Yes that's right 70. I know this is because a lot of new skills were introduced, but now that I have these 70 skill points I do not know where to allocate them. I might be at a advantage here because I can use skill points to put on 3rd job skills which overpower 2nd or 1st job skills of similar nature. If anyone would be so kind as to tell me what I should use these points on I would greatly appreciate it. Thank You in advance. I opened up my skillbook and this is what I saw: [b]Theif Skills[/b] Nimble Body, Dark Sig

General Nightlord

Quick Question on 3rd job Skill Maxing D So I just got a sp reset scroll (the GM one that lasts 3 days only), and was wondering if I should reset skills and reconsider maxing Triple Throw first. My Triple Throw is maxed right now but I've been reading some guides that say not to max Triple Throw at all. I dont know if I should max Shade Splitter instead or before Triple Throw. I just wanted the sin's wonderful input on this so if you could make any suggestions I would really appreciate it. Also any other suggestions on what to max and not max in the 3rd job would really help. Thanx =D

General Nightlord

Need A Whole Bunch a HELP Hey basilers, came back to maple a week ago after like 5 months so I forgot everything. Meaning I don't know what to do with my character because i forgot what plans I made for that character before I left my character. I'm a lev 70 hermit and I don't know how to move on. My dex is capped at 100 and My equips are as follows: Zakum helmet clean, lev 70 thief top/bottum clean, 8ATT WG no slots, lev 50 theif shoes,lev 70 blue scarab 50 ATT no slots. I also have about 10 mill, and 3 steelys. I'm so lost in what equips to get next and what to buy with my money cuz of all the new stuff in Ms. I don't know anything about the hidden potential mumbojumbo and the weird magnifying glasses and whatnot. I also forgot to say I h

General Nightlord

Calling all Godly sins, share your knowledge Please Hello fellow NightLords! I'm saving up for some super godly NL Equips so can anyone give me a rundown on what is considered average, godly, and super godly (if there is such a thing, lol!) Just let me know what Helm, Top, Bottum, Gloves, Rings, Capes, Shoes, Claw (Especially This), etc. and what general stats on each of these is considered to be godly and great for end-game. Thank you everyone, and if this has been asked before, could anyone direct me to the thread. Thanks again!

General Nightlord

Your Clawatt? Umm so since maple's down and I'm bored (mayB u are too..? :3), wanna just put your claw's att here for fun? if you can be detailed, name each line of pot, bonus pot amount of enhancements, and all that good stuff. Then it'd be great ! ;) ooooh and also what price u bought it or if u scrolled ur self + what year u bought it I know its alot to remember but whatev, thanxxx guys :p mynes: (rare) Red Craven 46 Att + 34 forget # of enhancements/scroll umm pot is: 1st line: +12 Att 2nd line: +6 Att 2rd line: Idk if there is one (if there is, its too crap to remember). I bought this for around 600-700m? (i forget </3) about 2 years ago? Idk.