pandabearg7 #Updates Talk

General Updates

Anyone else have this problem after the server check? When i log in and try and type, it doesnt let me, i can still type on the screen but when i press enter it doesnt pop up... this happend's for like a minute or two when i log in then it will let me. and when i /find someone it takes like 100 tries... it'l say "please try again" then after about 100 times of typing it it'l tell me where they are its really annoying so is anyone else having this problem? how do i fix it!

General Updates

Right choice for after bb? Hola, due to the epic changes of the big bang patch i have decided to change jobs i chose paladin, from bishop is this the right choice for after the patch? i was choosing classes based on 1. power (most important to me) 2. Freedom 3. Potential during 4th job 4. how much fun it is (acctually now that i think this is more important) i chose paladin as i said but im having second thoughts what would you chose if you were going from bishop to a new class i have pretty good funding for most jobs so please leave a comment and tell me