
Potential Damage vs Attack%?

I have some gear that got 10% dmg other gear got 10% attk, so guys tell me what the different about it?
Which one is better?

I'm not sure what is good for me, I just got came back from couple days ago.

July 4, 2011

4 Comments • Newest first


Oh so %damage is added...wowow ok NOW I understand

Reply July 4, 2011

Say what...if it's a multiplier...say it's 110%.

Say you had a range of 10k-10k, so Attack makes it 11k-11k right because damage range is directly proportional to weapon attack.
Then you use a skill, say, 500%. Does 55k.

On the other hand, if you had 10k-10k and used the skill, 500%, does 50k, and THEN you have 10% damage, it makes it 55k again.

Someone explain with a few numbers

Reply July 4, 2011

I thought "damage" calculations had a factor of "Weapon attack" in them...if that's true then they would be the same.

Reply July 4, 2011

I'm guessing one means weapon attack and the other is straight up damage.

Not sure which one is better.

Reply July 4, 2011