
2 Star Enhancement Scrolls

... do they or don't they destroy your item if they fail, because this page is confusing:

[quote=Nexon]There are also 2-, 3-, 4- and 5 Star Enhancement Scrolls, which enhance your item to the corresponding star level in one shot. For example, if you used a 5 Star Enhancement Scroll on an item with 1 star, the item would have 5 stars. If you used the same scroll on an item with 4 stars, it would still bring the item to 5 stars. Since you are only enhancing once instead of multiple times, there is a [b]smaller chance that your item will be destroyed.[/b][/quote]

December 30, 2013

2 Comments • Newest first


[quote=Skaia]they do destroy unless it says they dont destroy u feel[/quote]

Sort of, but there is the issue of some potential scrolls destroying items when they don't explicitly state it in the description.

Reply December 30, 2013

they do destroy unless it says they dont destroy u feel

Reply December 30, 2013