how do you get out of tilt league of legends

i got placed in silver 2 about 2 months ago and i just recently got demoted to silver 4.
i got about 3 promos when i was in s3 in order to get back into s2 and im afraid that when i do try to get out of s4, it's going to be the same over again.

how do people climb up this tilt?

September 5, 2014

23 Comments • Newest first


[quote=Oshawott]play a diff game, I've been playing a ton of league to try and get plat before S4 ends and whenever i start to feel tilt I just stop and play minecraft, maple or FFXIV. something non competitive to take my mind off the game.[/quote]


Reply September 7, 2014

I find that I win more games when I don't really care about winning (playing on my smurf) and try not to go gg within the first 20 minutes even if things are going badly.

Reply September 6, 2014

[quote=FinalFreedom]Also, you need to love the game. If you sit there and are constantly stressed by solo queue or whatever you'll never really get anywhere. Even if you do, it's not worth the effort. You have to want to improve, but you also need to enjoy playing regardless of win or loss.
This, and I've found it useful to play normals a bit more before you start ranking, or norms in between ranked games. You can try out new champions/builds, and enjoy the game because there's nothing to lose in a norms.
Started 5 months ago, currently climbing gold : ^)

Reply September 6, 2014

[quote=ScytherBro]Get a good duo body or dodge the games where you think your team is going to lose, based on the matchup. Losing 5 lp is better then losing 20lp and 45 minutes of your life.[/quote]

This is not only bannable but also a really bad idea.

What happens after you waste 5 lp dodging and you queue back up with the same idiots?

Sure, you can wait 30 seconds and queue back up again, but you don't know that the other team wouldn't have had even more trolls than you did, if you lose, that's just an extra 5LP tacked onto your losses for no reason; plus the more clamped you are, the more noticeable that 5LP would be.

Just play the game, don't try and select which games you think you can win. >__>

Reply September 6, 2014

Simple answer, you don't tilt.

You get rid of all your fears about ranking and all that bull crap. You play for the sake of improving, no shiny badge or border will be an indicator of your skill or worth, you play for you and not for the rank. That being said, every game is winnable. There's always something you could have done better to change the outcome of a match. There are an infinite number of scenarios and you just need to create the one where you win.

Don't talk to your teammates about stupid things, don't die unnecessarily, don't flame, don't AFK.

Tilting exists but I think the entire idea of it is just really dumb. If you continually improve then your consistency will also rise. The trick is to not be a god, but to play as consistent as you can while also slowly improving yourself. Through constantly trying to play consistently, you'll build your endurance and find that you'll have less 'bad days'. I don't really believe in bad days, I believe in bad players. Tilting is playing worse due to emotional distress caused by a multitude of reasons, but almost all of these reasons can be wiped away with just a changed mindset. Seven losses in a row? It's whatever, shrug it off and keep pushing.

Also, you need to love the game. If you sit there and are constantly stressed by solo queue or whatever you'll never really get anywhere. Even if you do, it's not worth the effort. You have to want to improve, but you also need to enjoy playing regardless of win or loss.

I'm looking to get better each day because I know I'm bad and I really enjoy seeing myself get better, even if it's just a little bit.

Two accounts Plat 4-5 currently.

Reply September 6, 2014 - edited

take a break, play something else besides ranked for a good week or so. get out of that rut. and then restart again

Reply September 6, 2014 - edited

Keep practicing until you're good enough to carry teams? idk
I can easily carry with Fiora top or Ziggs mid.. sometimes

Reply September 5, 2014 - edited

An advice from a player who got to plat from bronze 5 for a season (I got the same problem as u and was stuck in bronze 5 for like 300 games)

-use ping and avoid talking (less chance of type kill)
-ignore any troll or rage comment
-dodge if u are forced to play at a role that u sucked
-be friendly and call ur role in the lobby
-most importantly, forget that u r playing rank, act like it's just a normal game
***do not blame other ppl if they made a mistake!

Reply September 5, 2014 - edited

If you like nautilus then sure just carry with him out. If you're tilting(losing 3+in a row) turn off league and take a break, wash your face, drink some water, do something else that's fun. When you feel better then you can have a clear mindset of trying your best to win. People seem to misunderstand that they have to carry. To be honest it is a team game, there's only a limit to how much one can carry compared to an enemy team that actually groups and tries to accomplish things together. Even if it seems impossible try to make plays as a team if you can.

Reply September 5, 2014 - edited

I've elo boosted 2 of my friends in the past week to gold and I did so by playing mostly jungle and mid so for starters that's where you should be playing. I'm a plat 3 adc main but I can't even carry consistently playing adc in silver because people in lane are 0-4 before 10 minutes. Knowing that you should stay away from junglers that are farm dependent - Udyr, Master Yi, Nocturne and anything that needs to be level 6 before they can gank or that's lacking speed/escape ability because your farm is going to be irrelevant when your team is down like 10 kills and you have to engage against the fed enemy team on champion with no escape.

I don't think Nautilus is great either because he's a tank with his only engage being his hook into ult combo. If you miss that then you have nothing, if you're behind it's even worse because you're very useless. You should go into games on a jungler that will still have an impact when you're behind because you're not always going to be ahead and it's a lot easier when you're behind and know what to do instead of playing on the fly. You need to play jungle champions that can apply pressure very early with ganks and take advantage of the lack of wards + rager attitudes at least 1 player in a silver game will have. Good junglers for you to learn are Lee Sin, Mao Kai, Elise, Xin Zhao, Rammus, Eve and Kha Zix.

If you're going mid then try out Annie, Katarina and Syndra. Those mid are good because they have aoe, stun and burst and that's what wins games in general but especially silver. People don't use all their item actives, people are lacking reaction time and judgement so take advantage of that. You're not going to be comfortable on all of these mids and junglers but there should be at least one champ that you enjoy playing out of these and that champion can get you out of silver on your own. Your goal should be to camp people who have already died to one of your ganks, these people will commonly complain about you through /all chat and those same people are raging at their jungler causing internal team problems that you cannot see but they're there which further increases your chances of winning. If you're going to duo que make sure that it's with someone that plays a position that you can interact with e.g. Mid + Jungle, Adc + Support. This person should obviously be dependable too.

Anyway I hope this helped you! If anyone wants to add me in game then feel free, my ign is 'Kinda Awkward' which is plat 5. I am willing to play normals, give advice or even duo in ranked with people but you'd have to be gold+ because of the newest rule by Riot. My main is 'CinematicShot' but I don't really play on that unless I'm ranking and I only ranked with plat 3+ or higher.

Edit: Best way of winning on tilt is to not be on tilt in the first place. To avoid tilt you need to win so knowing how to win is the most important, equally important is also knowing that not every game is winnable and some times it really is your fault that you lost so accept that and think about what you could have done better and where you made your mistake - while you're doing all of this you shouldn't be playing the game, you should be thinking about this and once you're done thinking then you can try playing again. If you feel you've corrected your mistakes, played well and still lost then it's time to get off for a few hours or a day and then try again.

Reply September 5, 2014 - edited

To get out of tilt you have to change your mindset of the game. Accept that you belong in Silver 4 and that you won't advance until you earn it; it's hard for people to accept where they are in rank status, especially when you're below gold, but when you do, you'll have a state of mind to improve and there's nothing but improvement from then on.

Was placed in silver 1 last season, then placed into silver 4, dropped to silver 5 and almost got demoted; eventually, the more I played the better I improved and I ended up reaching Gold V on 3 accounts and Gold 1 on my main account.

"...there are four things that define how good you are at the game:
(1) Game Knowledge (2) Decision Making (3) Mechanics and (4) Map Awareness. They all come from experience and practice and there is no one single way to get out of "elo hell". So just keep at it, don't play to win but play to get better and work on improving these 4. Every game is an experience and you can only get better." - hi im gosu

Don't play to win, play to improve and you'll avoid going on tilt.

You have a 50% chance to win just like the other team. You will win some and you'll lose some; accept it and you should be fine.

Reply September 5, 2014 - edited

reminds me that i should play more. how am i going to get to gold from wood elo before the season ends #b>eloboost

Reply September 5, 2014 - edited

play a diff game, I've been playing a ton of league to try and get plat before S4 ends and whenever i start to feel tilt I just stop and play minecraft, maple or FFXIV. something non competitive to take my mind off the game.

Reply September 5, 2014 - edited

@pinomystic lies, you're playing vi I main mid and support if you were wondering so this could work out well

Reply September 5, 2014 - edited

[quote=calebheads]Do not duo. It gives you harder opponents.[/quote]

it sucks either way to be honest. lol

@mrsying: the feels hurt. i think promos or series just makes me want to cry

Reply September 5, 2014 - edited

I got to silver 1 and was in my promos for gold. I was on a winning streak too but I just kept losing all my games and now i'm back in silver 3 and stuck here. I keep telling myself, "play for fun, play for fun" but I CAN'T! </3

Reply September 5, 2014 - edited

Don't queue without being in a premade. </3

Reply September 5, 2014 - edited

Do not duo. It gives you harder opponents.

Reply September 5, 2014 - edited

i just play to have fun. getting to gold is a hassel

Reply September 5, 2014 - edited

[quote=marioluigi52]@ScytherBro I've never thought of that :o

OP: We can duo if you want, im in silver 4 going on silver 3, not on tilt but afraid of losing and being demoted again >.< !
Ign: Cokahola[/quote]

im gonna be on break for a bit but my id is gotmdd. i think i'ma just nautilus jungle my way outta silver because he's the only one i can actually carry with.
i dont really care about where im placed but i just hate the fact that whenever i get into promos, i just cant seem to win out of it and it just goes down hill from there

Reply September 5, 2014 - edited

@ScytherBro I've never thought of that :o

OP: We can duo if you want, im in silver 4 going on silver 3, not on tilt but afraid of losing and being demoted again >.< !
Ign: Cokahola

Reply September 5, 2014 - edited

Play the game to get better. not to win. Stop worrying about your "rank". Try out new things and test new stuff out. Eventually you'll get out of where you are cause your going to get better.

Reply September 5, 2014 - edited

Get a good duo body or dodge the games where you think your team is going to lose, based on the matchup. Losing 5 lp is better then losing 20lp and 45 minutes of your life.

Reply September 5, 2014 - edited