

Tips on being Able to run faster

Edit I meant tips

Hey guys, i was wondering if you guys can give me any tips on being able to run faster.

August 3, 2012

10 Comments • Newest first


Sprints, and weight lift.
Ya know, squats, leg extensions, leg curls, etc. Also, work on your abs, they help you run faster.

Reply August 3, 2012

Run as fast as you can until you get tired, then run some more until you can't run anymore then jog/walk for a while then run again. Also watch out for your arm positioning it can effect the way you run.

Reply August 3, 2012

@leechless i plan on running outside since i currently dont have a gym membership
@th4taznguy yea intense interval training

Reply August 3, 2012 - edited

When you practice, do it outside and not on a tredmill. Unless you're at a gym then a 10 minute jog on a tredmill wouldn't be a bad idea for a warm up. When you run outside, do it when you feel the rush, when you can just run on for long periods, you know that feeling right? haha. Usually whenever I feel like lazy or down it's not a good idea for me to try long distant or sprints. I either just work out or eat healthy, wait an hour, and then try running. It helps.

Good luck

Reply August 3, 2012 - edited

Would sprinting intervals also help?

Reply August 3, 2012 - edited

Lift not just leg weights, but arm weights and things that make your back and shoulders stronger, but not too much. If you look at the Olympic runners, like Carl Lewis or Usain Bolt, they're not huge. The key is not to get 'tool' big but a lean big, where your muscle mass is kept at a very conservative level. If your muscle mass gets too large, your body movements go slower.

Run if you're just straight running with your toes. It has enough grip yet not much traction that won't slow you down opposed to running on your heels. Also make sure you're fat levels are really low too.

Reply August 3, 2012 - edited

Try elongating your muscles by stretching beforehand.

Reply August 3, 2012 - edited

use haste and youll be faster

Reply August 3, 2012 - edited

Leg weights

Reply August 3, 2012 - edited

1: Haste (skill)
2: Speed (scroll/neb)
3: Jump (scroll/neb)
4: Get things with +(#)Speed
5: Deal with your normal speed

Reply August 3, 2012 - edited