
What to buy next..?

Not sure if this is the right section, but I was wondering what I should buy after getting my endgame wand on my I/L mage?

November 22, 2015

2 Comments • Newest first



Helmet/Top/Pants: Fafnir
Weapon: Fafnir
Secondary: Shield(if you can equip one) or a normal secondary.
Emblem: Explorer Emblem or Boss Arena
Badge: Ghost Ship Exorcist (Do NOT risk booming this)
Belt/Shoe/Cape: Tyrant
Glove: Tyrant (Optional: Dojo/Sweetvater/Emp)
Face/Eye Accessory: Sweetvater
Shoulder: Black Tinkerer (Optional: Meister/Krexel/Scarlet/Emp)
Ring 1: Superior Gollux Ring
Ring 2: Reinforced Gollux Ring
Ring 3/4: Solid, Cracked Gollux/LGR/Scarlet/Meister/Tempest (Or whatever you can get a hold of)
Pendant 1/2: Superior Gollux Pendant
Earring: Superior Gollux Pendant
Heart: Titanium Heart/Superior Lidium

That's pretty much the common "endgame" build, as for other "equips" like pocket item, totems, titles, medal, pet equips etc. Just go for whatever helps you the most.

Good luck. Note that some of these items are very expensive.

Reply November 22, 2015


Superior gollux items and any gollux rings are next. Depending on how much you want to spend, you can buy them clean and scroll them yourself, or buy them all finished.

Also consider getting a level 71+ magician shield, since they get weapon potentials as well. Most people will have VIP magician shields with great stats, so maybe try for one of those. Also consider cubing your Gold Maple Leaf emblem if you can.

Next would be CRA items that are 30% traced, chaosed well, or primed, with lots of % stat.

Next would be blackgate accesories or SW accessories for more % stat.

Tyrants are one of the last things people should consider investing in (unless you're a Xenon), as the stat return per meso or nx spent is not as great as the other pieces. Of course, 5 star tyrant capes aren't very much, so you could consider getting one of those earlier. Nova boots and DSE/Dimensional gloves will serve you well for a long time until Tyrants are the next efficient step.

Reply November 22, 2015