
Is the Superior Gollux set even worth it?

The differences between the Reinforced/Superior ring, earrings, and pendant are only 3-5 of each stat, 2-4 attack, and 0-2 slots. The difference between the set bonus is only 5 all, 5 att, 300 hp/mp, 3% hp/mp, and 15% pdr.

The only huge difference is the 60 all 35 att Superior belt vs the 30 all 20 att Reinforced belt, but that's where Tyrant belts come in.

The only superior belt that I know of sold for somewhere around 3b, which could get you clean versions of the entire Reinforced set, and I haven't even seen the superior pendant in Khaini. But given the lack of truly "end-game" pendants (perfect dom pendant, 70 all CHTP, super well scrolled RSP/BSPs), I'd imagine the pendant is worth more than the belt.

Is the market this dry in other servers? I'm guessing this is just a Khaini thing, but the superior set seems kinda not worth the trouble.

November 20, 2013

13 Comments • Newest first



Reply November 20, 2013

idk, but i am in the process of scrolling all of them. i wanna purposely miss one or two slots so i can use less scrolls but my friend is making me not to....

edit: What I mean is, of course they are the best items in the game as of now but idk if it's worth the effort to make the whole set. @_@

Reply November 20, 2013 - edited

@bluebomber24 do you have a link to a pic/info on that pendant?
I've seen clean superior pendants in scania sell for 4.5. Not really worth it. And honestly, I wouldn't be suprised if they're released in marvel or something soon.

Reply November 20, 2013 - edited

Personally I'd choose reinforced due to low cost and because I can farm it, so its basically free as opposed to paying billions for just a bit more attack and PDR, but like @ayobakare said, we only have a select few people who can kill Hell Mode Gollux so the supply is really low and most likely gonna stay that way, just get your reinforced set and toss in a superior ring as well and you are good to go, then if Nexon decides to throw Superiors into Marvel you it might be more affordable and you can upgrade

Reply November 20, 2013 - edited

The Reinforced Set is much better. It's cheaper and the difference between the Superior Set is very small. Especially in a empty world like khaini where there are literally only 2 people actually doing Hell Mode. You can expect the pendant to go for a very high price.

Also, the drop rate for the Superior Items is incredibly low when you compare it to the Reinforced.

Reply November 20, 2013 - edited

yeah set might not be worth it unless you're doing 2x pendant, earring, and ring all fully scrolled but gl w/ that...
i just like the fact that all 4 rings are psok'able (:

Reply November 20, 2013 - edited

From this I can conclude that sets of expensive, rare, powerful items ruined the game along with potential and enhancement scrolls.

Reply November 20, 2013 - edited

ring and earrings are worth it... mages can scroll earrings for int/m.att
other classes would need to use gollux scrolls on both but they turn out really strong

pendents: their are stronger ones out their (more less optional to get)
belts: their is tyrant belts

stat wise ring and earrings are top of the equip class in that slot right now

so for best best items superior ring/ earrings hands down (ring is almost a must tho seeing you can have 4 rings)
set wise yes you can go for cheeper gollux items in big picture gollux set is something most wouldn't use endgame gear right now (or ever)

Reply November 20, 2013 - edited

Hi arie!

And yeah I hate how the reinforced market crashed
I missed selling the pendants for 1.4b

Reply November 20, 2013 - edited

Think it's worth it, depending on which class you are and if you can't afford tyrants like myself.
I paid 2.8 for my belt where as a tyrant warrior belt would have been 5b+. Thats a win to me.
Kind of based of preference also ( I don't like ee based items)

I've seen pendants in other servers khaini's fm is just really sad right now.

Reply November 20, 2013 - edited


love that creative "bollux" (unless you accidentally misspelled... then accidentally clever? idk)

Clever clever~

Reply November 20, 2013 - edited

go for the reinforced set but dont use a belt just get 2 pendants and use a tyrant belt it will be way better
and ye i dont think the superior pendants are worth it right now as i seen a clean one with c/o 8,5b and 100% sure it was not fake as it's a very well known person

Reply November 20, 2013 - edited

I am still on the fence about Goluxes worth as a personal investment. I don't like that all they need to do is release 1 pendant item such as the Heart Pendant (Superior Item) that is in KMS and then all of a sudden that pendant plus the Kritias set is better. As such, I am uncomfortable with the amount of equips required and the potential for a sucker creep.

Reply November 20, 2013 - edited