potspans123 #Darkknight Talk

General Darkknight

spearman sp distribution help ok so i have this spearman and its my first kinda adventurer i have an aran so i have all the equips and all (im pretty sure u can use either polearm or spear now) anyway can someone tell me what to max and all.. i read everything but ground smash but then should i put in iron body from 1st job and leave smash at 11 because i can get to 70 easily and i havnt really needed smash yet... ive maxed mastery, 10 on booster, 3 on basics, 3 on iron will (gunna max hb next) yea so my sp is kinda scattered but i mainly leech so nbd if its sucks atm im just kinda confused haha totally different than an aran also im leaving dex at 50- i meant to leave it at 40 but my friend screwed it up...