

povveriess #General Talk


What if Fangblade What if he is secretly waiting for June 18th to come and out of a twist, he already has a range of 999k-999k through the use of tyrants, LGR, perfected fafnir, legendary top, bottom, shoes, cape, gloves, helmet, 2 pendants from CS, 4% stat nebs, decent SE, decent AB, etc. All his eqiups are legendary 6L with the max possible %. His red maple flag is actually a perfected +10* fafnir legendary 6L pot (bonus and regular combined), with 15 EEs. He has the Mercedes link skill, pendant of the spirits, a ton of saved 2x exp buffs from past events, 1.1exp potions, 2x exp cards from the cash shop, and holy symbols mules waiting for him. With his range, it'll be more than easy to train at the new level 190 perion grounds and a few o


What would you do if you were a Gm for 1 hour? Supposedly Nexon cannot do their job correctly! What would you do if you could be a GM for 1 hour to try and fix Maplestory? I would go inside all the FMs and delete all the duped items myself HTP with 70 stats and 40 stats with 2 slots left Smiley Masks All GM scrolls farmed through Golden Temple Event All/most 2H pink scrolls 20% Clean slate scrolls GM 20% Raccoon Masks with attack Specs with % Gold Emerald Earrings Strawberry Earrings with 35 M.att Empress equips with insane and impossible %s Purple Surfboard with over 200 atk Legendary/Unique Crimson Archglaive 216 w.att Dragon Khanjar 40 atk + White Angelic Blessing Rings 27 At+k VSS 27 Atk BWGs Branch Noses with large amounts of attack An

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