

Ip Address Issue

So every time I log in from my laptop, MS says that I'm restricted from trading or dropping items for 15 minutes since I logged in from a different IP. This happens when I log out and immediately log back into a new character.

I've changed routers like twice in the past two months (haven't played MS for four), so would that be the issue? Waiting isn't really a problem, but I'm wondering if Nexon can go all dictator mode and block my account for logging in from "multiple" IPs.

December 20, 2014

1 Comment • Newest first


If you have more than one computer at your house, or other people with tablets and phones that use WiFi, it's likely your computer's "private' IP address on your local network in your house changes all the time. Maplestory sees that as a new IP address and makes you wait 15 minutes before trading/dropping just in case you're a hacker who broke into the account.

Reply December 21, 2014