

New LoL player looking for tips

Hey y'all, so I finally caved and downloaded LoL.

I'm currently level 5 (?) and I like to bottom with Ashe and Draven. I'm looking into jungling with Warick and Amumu soon.

Does anyone have any tips for a new player? Especially how to play each player?

Any help would be appreciated

July 1, 2013

19 Comments • Newest first


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Reply July 21, 2013

Try different champs before the rotation is over. It gives you a sense of different playstyles, which is nice. But be sure to try it in a beginners bots game.

Reply July 1, 2013

Thanks for the advice guys

I played one game and got freaking hooked.

Reply July 1, 2013

you have to play every lane just to get the feel of what every lane has to deal with. you have to learn how to sympathize with people in this game or else the team will fall apart. trust me.. i have experienced this enough. also learn what every champion does. learn the mechanics and also when you play, try to predict the enemy's movements.

Reply July 1, 2013

[quote=pr3stig3]@Speedester: Hmm ok. So is mid the easiest? How does each lane differ, I guess is my real question.[/quote]

None of the lanes are easy, it all pretty much depends on your opponent.
Top: Heavy hitters/Tanks- 1v1 for the most part, try to outplay the other team
Mid: Mostly AP/some ad- watch out for ganks; must play strategically
Bot: ADC- Play aggressive, try to outplay the other adc. Avoid getting trapped inside support skills.
Support-Ward possible enemy entrances, provide your adc with enough stuff to get a few kills.
Jungle: Provide support to your lanes through buffs and ganks. Try to keep the enemy jungler out of your territory

Reply July 1, 2013

yeah like @AngleEstoth says; ward.

here's an easy to learn chart on where to ward as well as a bit on leona

Reply July 1, 2013

my best advice to anyone of any skill level in this game that wants to get better. WARD.
Always. ward. every. single. chance.
Unless your items are full or you have less than 75 gold, you need to ward. There is NEVER an inappropriate time to ward in ANY game. Warding is what separates bad players from competent ones.

Reply July 1, 2013

[quote=pr3stig3] Easier said than done
When would you recommend I start playing with real people? I've just been playing co-op right now against AIs.[/quote]
uhh when you feel confident about fighting bots. the main thing is to start normal asap so you get an actual feel for the game and the players you fight aren't too experienced
but if you're adc(ashe or draven) you don't need to buy a ward until late game, it's good to start early to get in the habit of building your character [b]around[/b] sight & vision wards. i really can't stress how important warding is. in fact [url=]here's a video[/url] but if you're going against 2 people top then there isn't a need to ward until laning phase is over. lastly, since you're low lvl you can jungle go to golem>>wolf>>wraiths>>Lizard(it's the other direction if you're using champs like lee sin or rengar) then just alternate between wolfs & wraiths

Reply July 1, 2013 - edited

By doing every lane, you get better at the lane you want to play the most. And try all the free week champs, you'll never know who you'll end up liking

Reply July 1, 2013 - edited

1) Don't feed, if you don't think its safe to go in and attack, then don't do it. Follow up on ganks.
2) Call your MIAs or ping that they are missing. This is crucial.
3) Last hit, getting more gold will put you at an advantage.
4) Use unlocked camera, it gives you more map awareness.
5) Everyone can buy wards, not just the support. Although as an ADC, you don't have to buy vision wards unless you're against Vayne, but you can help out the support by buying sight wards here and there.
6) Especially since you play ADC, don't be at the front of the lines. Your job is to let other people initiate and you will do the damage from behind.
7) Build according to the situation and who you're against instead of buying a standard build every time.

Reply July 1, 2013 - edited

Get Ryze, play mid, CS then buy mana items like Tear and Rod of Ages etc. Then just QWEQ Insert R in that combo whenever if you want, then you automatically kill someone.

Reply July 1, 2013 - edited

@BoshiDoshi: Ok thanks a lot bro

Do I increase CS by just killing the spawns?

@Liam: Easier said than done
When would you recommend I start playing with real people? I've just been playing co-op right now against AIs.

Reply July 1, 2013 - edited

Buy a ward. Gank. & Don't feed
you're on your way to diamond.

Reply July 1, 2013 - edited

@KawaiiPony: What's CS? I understand the ward part, but is playing every champion really necessary? Is that just to figure how each one plays so I can counter accordingly?

@Speedester: Hmm ok. So is mid the easiest? How does each lane differ, I guess is my real question.

Reply July 1, 2013 - edited

Learn to play all lanes, try to use the unlocked camera only, and always keep an eye on the map for enemy locations. That's all I can think of for now :o

Reply July 1, 2013 - edited

before you get to level 30 , make sure you can play at least one champion in EVERY lane. always buy a ward when you go back. try to get as much CS as you can. don't make mistakes. dats it yo

Reply July 1, 2013 - edited

Jungle with Nunu. Eat the entire jungle.

Reply July 1, 2013 - edited