
How does accuracy work?

So I made a thread about where to train from 62 - 70.
They said MP3 or roids. But they're level ~90 .. Can I even hit them as a [b]Mercedes[/b] or how does it work and what map are the best for roids?

Just want to know fast since I'm on 2x + 1,1x + 1,3x + 1,5x

January 17, 2012

3 Comments • Newest first


How accuracy works in a nutshell:
ACC: Your accuracy, of course!
AVD: Monster avoid. Take the level of a monster, divide it by 10, round down, and square it. That's not perfect but it works for most non-boss monsters.
PLV: Player level. Self-explanatory.
MLV: Monster level; again, that's all you need to know.
Chance to hit: 100 - max(sqrt(AVD - ACC), 0) - max(MLV - PLV, 0) * 2.
Seems a bit complicated, doesn't it? Well, don't worry. Your accuracy will be greater than your target's avoid in most cases, so all you need to worry about is the level difference. So if you go to MP3, the monsters are level 90 and 93, and you will have a 44% and 38% chance to hit them respectively. In other words, don't even bother until you're level 85. Go to Jesters instead.

Reply January 17, 2012

Alright. I will!

Reply January 17, 2012

just go jesters till 70-80 -_-

Reply January 17, 2012