prestigechef #Luminous Talk

General Luminous

What to buy for luminous equips Alright so I have about a 500m budget to upgrade a bit for my luminous. He's a level 122 and I haven't played since the first 3 days after release of luminous. My Current Equips: Dogma Cap Clean Pot: +2 All skils XMAS 2012 Medal Lumi Ring Tempest Pot+6int Ring evolving ring 3 angelic blessing ring 6% int earings lv 10 orb (lel idk) Clean Travelers Wing Glasses +4% Hp pot +18 int overall lv 58 5magic attack balloon 4magic attack musking gloves +12 int pot clean tempest belt Veteran Crusader pendent clean (hidden pot) 4%int sneakers 124 magic attack tempest rod ( +6% dex -.-) ----- Empress Gloves, Shoes, Overall, Hat waiting for when I hit 140. So what should I buy :D?