

Banning phase in ranked LoL should be removed

I started playing LoL for a few months and I was stuck. I was stuck because none of the champions I played so far seemed to mesh well with me. I played decently with Ashe, Ahri and Teemo but I wasn't too fond of any of them. Then a few weeks ago, I tried out Blitzcrank and he was perfect for me. When I was matched with a half-decent partner, I could easily dominate the lane.

However, this was in normals(I'm level 16 right now) so I started preparing for ranked by researching about it. I found out that you could choose to ban 6 champs from the game which I thought was stupid since Riot did a good job with balance. Then I looked into it a bit more and found out the commonly banned champions(commonly=90% of matches): Malphite, Alistar, Shen(who I was planning on buying next) and Blitzcrank. This doesn't seem at all fair. The grab is all Blitz has going for him and can be avoided easily with wards and hiding behind minions. If you look at the stats, he doesn't have an incredibly high winrate.

Riot has done an excellent job with balance and I doubt any champion needs to get banned. I feel like I wasted months of my life playing this game since my only good champion is banned because people are too nooby to deal with him. Why is this game catering so much to the noobs? They should just quit if they can't deal with those banned champs rather than remove parts of the game.
TLDR: Banning champions caters too much to the noobs. They should find a way to deal with it rather than just ignore/ban the champion.

August 30, 2013

5 Comments • Newest first


get yourself to gold & I hardly run into a case where blitz is banned

Reply September 2, 2013

Banning champions is a crucial part of a game plan. For example, if you run a poke team comp, you would most likely tell your first pick to ban somebody with a strong initiate, to prevent them from going on you while you poke. Also, Blitz is a good ban because he is good in solo que, not because he is a good champion overall. As for him having a "low" winrate really means nothing, because winrates are irrelevant to how good a champion is. For example, blitz may have a low winrate because since hes on perma ban, not many players know how to play him, and play him for the sake of him being OP in solo que, even if they suck with him.

Reply September 1, 2013

@WontPostMuch I won't comment on Shen because I haven't bought him and most likely will never buy him.
1) 15 seconds? You realize that's a lot of time right? You can do a lot of damage to Blitz in those 15 seconds. Not to mention it takes up half his mana bar.
2) So he should be banned because he doesn't fit the stereotypical support role?
3) A lot of noobs use Blitz and Shen too. I would love facing them all the time if most of the players using them were noobs who couldn't hit a grab properly.

Reply August 30, 2013

I never got why you could ban champs in a RANKED GAME
That's like banning moves in other sports or something

In otherwords you should not be able to ban champs in a RANKED GAME normals would be fine since it doesn't matter (hell ranked is worse then normals and it matters less to me but heh)

Reply August 30, 2013

Stop QQ'ing. Unlike most support champions, Blitz can wreak a lot of havoc in the jungle, pulling buffs away or roaming into lanes with a game changing ability on a 15 second cooldown. Similarly, Shen can turn a 4v4 at dragon into a 4v5 if the ult is used properly or shut down all-ins in the bot lane without having to burn a summoner spell. It makes sense why teams wouldn't want to deal with this on a regular basis.

Reply August 30, 2013